Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Ah, now that it is, um, Wednesday, I finally finished my English. I have some pretty darn good notes, if I do say so myself. It actually shouldn't have been that hard; I don't know what my problem was.

My problem currently is a question I am deliberating over: To do my math homework, or not to do my math homework?- that is, I say with a half smile and a yawn, the question. Grumble mumble. I honestly don't know if I will end up doing it or not. I will try. Some quote is coming to me now, though, strangely enough. It's from one of the Star Wars.. Yoda says something to the effect of, "Do or do not. There is no try." Gosh. I'm a freak.

So right now I'm in one of my comatose states, as I oft tend to do in the pitch black of the night. I feel kind of like a zombie. My dad is in CA right now, and everyone else in my house is completely zonked out. If I wanted to, therefore, I could, well, leave or something. They'll just think I went to school early. I don't think I will do that, but just a thought. Or I could watch Back to the Future, which is sitting here on my desk, looking up at me imploringly saying, "Please watch me. Watch me." I don't think I will, sorry. Soon.. soon.

So, in other news, I have almost mastered one-handed juggling. I have been able to juggle for a while now, and have, I sheepishly admit, been a member of juggling club this year. But I haven't actually been able to juggle two balls in just one hand before.

Oh yes, one more thing. I finally google-earthed the distance of our running path (original one) and it is only 1.6 miles. (I thought it was 2).

Ah well. I'm so zombied... I really think I'm going to need a 'pick-me-up' Grande (maybe Venti?) White Mocha tomorrow... which equates to me getting up a smidge earlier. Groannnn. I heart coffee but loathe getting up early for it. I want to, though. After all, it's not that much earlier.

Oh yes, (last thing, I promise) that reminds me. Ms. B. put up, on her door, one of the drawings (well, collection of drawings; it's not just one person) I gave to her. ("Students' reactions to the words 'Research Paper.' " I like it, anyway..) So people should check it out..!

Alright. Well, I'm about to keel over. I had better stagger over to my stats book, peel it open to some page and start scribbling nonsense into my striped notebook. Isn't homework the best thing ever??

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