Saturday, April 28, 2007

Kind of crazy day

So, today has been pretty interesting so far; I drove to SF for a community seminar at St. John’s. I drove this short, redheaded guy named Josh. We met Ms. B in a parking lot, and I followed right behind so I wouldn’t get lost going there. We got there early so we walked around. And let me just say, it’s a beautiful campus. It’s really stunning. She showed us the dorm room she stayed in, too, which was cool. Well, I then went to a seminar on Emerson’s “The Poet,” which was really, really interesting. Then we all went to a different building and I drank tons of coffee and ate a muffin. I learned a lot, actually, about Ms. B. We walked back to our cars, still talking, and then out of nowhere I realize my thumb is bleeding. I don’t know how, but it was. So she fishes around in her purse and produces a band-aid for me, as I stand there sheepishly, feeling like a little kid. It was kind of crazy. Then I drove home.

I went on a long, long, run with my mom, too, later on, which was kind of weird. We went like, all over the place, and I kept on running around, waiting while she walked. I’d say we ran 3 miles, and it took 31 minutes (partly due to the fact that I kept having to backtrack for us to stay together). It was pretty fun though; I love running. Especially long striding down steep hills. Even though it’s kind of scary…

Oh, also, here’s something kind of scary/freaky. So, I was making a pretzel a little while ago, and I look down and there’s a bunch of blood dripping down my arm. I kind of freak out, because I didn’t feel anything happen. But some way, somehow, there’s a gash in my finger. So I run to the bathroom, stick my finger under cold running water, and put a band aid on. I don’t know what’s going on with me today! My fingers randomly bleed!

Okay, well, I’m going to go help make enchiladas.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Okay. I officially admit it. I. Am. A. Psychopath.

But a happy psychopath. Hm, I think so, anyway. Things are different this time around…

So basically my day went all right, nothing special. Went to English; watched a movie about Shakespeare. Went to Bio; talked about extra-terrestrials. Went to Student Assistant; ranted with Ms. B. about the system and how we should over-throw those in charge; went to Ms. B’s room for lunch, then Bio; got called a liar a bunch of times by my friends. Went to comp sci; watched Strong bad emails and listened to people talk about prom. All right. Nothin’ spectacular, right?

So, then, after school, my friends stole my phone, and eventually gave it back. Then I gave a friend a ride to Orange. Ah. Then, I went to tennis and …. said friend came too. It was really pretty interesting. I then went to Starbucks for a bit.

I love Starbucks.

The rest of my day was crazy too.

Annnnny way… now I’m going to go derive more formulas! Fun, fun, fun…

Deriving is “deriving” me crazy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm a "creeper"

I'm babysitting my buddy Kate right now. And let me tell you, I'm diggin their new house. So, I really don't have much to say, except for my life is really wacko. In a good way wacko, yes, but wacko just the same. In English we're doing Macbeth, which is pretty much rockin' awesome amazing. The CD that goes along with it really makes it interesting. And tomorrow we're actually acting part out, and I'm Lady Macbeth, apparantly. I'm pretty stoked. But seriously, I really love it. And I love to see her go absolutely batty over it; she's kind of obsessed. Ok. Anyway. Macbeth is pretty cool. In precal, I took a quiz on green paper for the first time in my life. I did basically amazing on it. In stats, eh.. It was ok. Oh yeah, except that I was being a complete nutcase (maybe this had something to do with the 3 coffees I drank today). Lunch was cool. Ha ha ha. I feel like a total miscrient. Is that even a word? I dunno. Yearbook was cool- one word: stickering... joy.. It was actually pretty cool. We just sat around and talked, and it felt like we were one whole yearbook staff for once. Tennis was pretty awesome.... except I ripped my jeans! And it is kind of at.. not the most opportune place. So, yeah. I mean, no, I'm not like fat, they're just old. I mean, they've got about 20 million other rips.. I don't want to part with them!!! Ok, now I'll stop rambling on. Wow, these people are so nice. Okay, so they're offering me tons and tons of food, all the food I could ever want! So, I'm eating this awesome coffee bar. It's like, mocha, so it's sweet and coffee-ish. It's really really cool. I'm gonna go watch Dora and continue being a "creeper," as Julie would say...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Wow... my life.. is...

Insane. That's what I would label myself as, if I was into that sort of thing. But seriously. My life is totally crazy. Do you ever find yourself going, "Woah, what the heck just happened; what have I done?" kind of deal? Maybe?? Well, I get like that sometimes. Now is one of those times. When people hear about this, they'll probably just roll their eyes and go, "Yep. That's crazy Sherri again..".

Let's just say things are looking up.. I guess?

We'll see how things play out from here......

My life is certainly no longer mundane.

It's the best day everrrrrr!

So, today is pretty rockin' awesome. It seriously was a very, very good day. First off, I woke up early and everything. (I actually didn't get much sleep). And then Janey, the dog I'm watching, went outside like an angel dog. No problems. (Ha, unlike last night when it took seriously like an hour to get her to come inside...). And then I had starbucks, which was amazing as usual. English was cool. Oh, yeah! I got a 182/ 180 on my frickin' essay!! Who'd have guessed? I seriously, seriously thought I'd barely scrape a B. A miracle, I tell you! She doesn't hate me (this morning I was kind of sad because we were being all distant or whatever, but I realize we just hadn't had our coffee yet). Yeah!! Bio was pretty cool. Student assistant was cool; I typed up this film terms paper, which was cool. She's very into film apparently, and studying film elements. And then I went back to her room and talked to her for a long time. At lunch I went to Ms. S.'s room w/ Kels, and then I went to Deca. I actually like it in there.... Ha ha. There I had more coffee!!! Wooo! And then I went to comp sci, which was pretty cool because I figured out 4 assignments. I was happy. Oh yeah, then I talked to Mr. Y for a while, actually... about, (this is crazy insane weirdness), Gysbertus! (He was Ms. B.'s husband... but I won't go into detail at all...) Mr. Y is a pretty chill guy (So, hi, if you're reading this, Mr. Y....). And then.............. (at the very end of comp sci):

THE YEARBOOKS CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We lugged tons and tons of boxes, and then finally opened one. I loveee it. Congratulations to every single person who worked on it!

Hope everyone likes it....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I really am alive, you know.

I'm alive. Believe it or not. Ha ha. Many of you have probably been wondering why I haven't posted in, what, almost 2 whole weeks?! Well, I would tell you...

Except I can't. And the reason I can't is because, well, I really don't know. I'm going to try and keep this concise, but we'll see.

This is, I think anyway, the longest I've gone without posting. So naturally it's assumed that I have a lot of catching up to do. But the truth is that, well, I don't. I mean, I certainly have some things to say.

The main thing is the Key Club Convention that I attended with my 2 best friends one week ago. We went with our faculty adviser and Kiwanis adviser, and also Noopur and Claire, a sophomore. Basically it was pretty chill; all in all I had fun. Our club got 1st place for the traditional scrapbook (and a trophy- wooo!). And also to be noted is the fact that Kelsey ran for, and subsequently won, District Bulletin Editor. Now, I realize that this probably means nothing to most of you, but to put it in perspective, she's the 3rd highest officer in our district, which is AZ, NM, and a bit of Texas too. So, congratulations, Kels!!

Other than that, nothing spectacular has really been going on. I've been trying, kind of, in math. I actually did amazing on a precal quiz, and I had so much fun at school on Friday. Oh, and last Friday was pretty cool; Ms. B. and I just sat in her room, me coloring posters and her grading essays. Oh, and we were listening to the weirdest music. It was kinda nuts. Ha ha. And she was reading me funny things from people's essays. And we were just laughing and stuff. It was really cool. Oh yeah, also this week, I ditched computer science to go to humanities, and I got all this cool footage and some pics for the yearbook DVD. And the next day Ty brought in a Turkey Vulture. Anyway...

So, a bit more about the lack of posts. I really don't know why. I suppose I was feeling like this blog title didn't fit me at all. Supersherri? I mean, come on. That's not me, I thought. One of my friends even threw out the idea that I was depressed. I seriously thought I might be. But, I dunno, I guess after a long, long shower yesterday, and all day alone today, I'm not. I'm really really not depressed. In fact, I'm better than before. I seriously debated deleting this blog. But I have decided, at least for now, I'll still keep it. (Sound familiar?). Oh yeah, also, hi dad, because I know you're reading this. So yeah, now my parents apparently read this too. I guess it's kind of a good thing.

And right now, I'm in a good mood. A really good mood. Despite having just been force-fed stringy pork roast (shiver), I'm in a very fine mood. I don't want to attribute this all to recent events, but it certainly is probably a big part of it.

Anyway, I guess that's about it for now.


I'm alive!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

pink milk and my dorky day

Pink milk is pretty much the greatest. Well, it's technically "strawberry milk," but I prefer the terminology that I used even when I was really little. I used to really like it; I'd ask for it all the time. And then for a long, long time I really became disinterested. Just recently, though, I have become really enthralled by it.

Anyway, that's what I just finished drinking. Now I think I'm going to finish this post, and then try and do bio, then maybe go to bed early for once. Because I really couldn't sleep for some reason yesterday.

Well, today was alright, I suppose, but I was kind of a loser/dork a lot of the time. I have just recently become obsessed with drawing Lord of the Flies pictures in my sketchbook; it just lends itself so nicely to it. So, I was a dork and showed Ms. B. the picture of the skewered pig's head, and then I helped her hang up a huge piece of paper that would become the mural. In class we did more symbolism stuff, which was actually cool. If LotF was just a story about boys on an Island and nothing else, it wouldn't be really a good book. But there's so many symbols to be looked for, so many meanings to 'dig' for. And some are really cool. Sometimes looking for symbolism seems kind of bogus, but a lot of the time, it really makes sense, and I like it. In precal I actually really, really tried to learn/ pay attention. I even talked to her about coming in at lunch. In stats, we took a test... not even going to touch on that. Don't want to think about it. Anyway, at lunch, true to my word, I chilled with Mrs. S for a little bit and went over the test. I think she's actually beginning to like me. It certainly seems like it anyway: she was being uber nice. After spending a while in Precal, I kind of wandered around to bio, and outside, and it was really windy and I wasn't finding anybody, so I went to Ms. B.'s room. I just went in, said hi, and said, "Well, I guess I'll just stay here; it's windy." And then I mumbled something about how I remembered a spoon for once for my yogurt, and I flipped open Milagro Beanfield War and started reading. Yeah. I'm a dork. We didn't really say much. I just went in her room, opened a book, and started reading and eating boisenberry yogurt. What a loserish thing to do... I stayed there the whole time. In yearbook, I talked, ran around, and drew. Pretty sweet. Oh yeah, I also won this gross candy. I ditched tennis again because of the wind.

K, now I'm going to go finish bio while drinking more pink milk. Then bed....

Monday, April 09, 2007

Is it only monday??

It's kind of hard to beleive that just this morning I was groggily getting dressed, shoving food in my mouth, and saying goodbye to my granparents with coffee in my left hand, car keys in the other. Today has been a long day, but not necessarily bad. I'm glad to be back, I decided. I joyfully bounded into English with a "Hey, Ms. B. How was Virgina?" It was nice being back in that room.. we talked a little bit. But I mean, she does that whole "vague" thing. Like, to answer the Virginia question, she said, "Oh I had a lot of fun; it was really great. I saw my family and friends. All in all I had a wonderful time there." See? Nothin'. An enigma. Anyway, in English we did this stupid thing in the IMC with the guidance counselors. How to write a resume. Please. She even READ to us. The packet. Now, I'm generally quite calm and collected when it comes to being read to; sometimes I even enjoy it. But today for some reason, sitting in that oh so uncomfortable blue chair, I felt like my intelligence was being insulted. All in all, it was really a waste of time. In bio we took notes and played with strips of paper. And in student assistant, I hung up collages on the wall, talked some with Ms. B., graded journal entries, talked some more, went to go make 30 copies of something, which took forever, and then talked with her until the end of the period. Which was kind of a long time. She’s really an interesting person. We talked about yearbook, and about her high school years a little, and also her college days a litte. Oh yeah, also about the first school she taught at: a little farm school where no one went on to college and most girls either got married or pregnant, and lots of kids dropped out to go work on farms and whatnot. Crazy. So, that was about the extent of that. Kels, Julie, and I went to bio for lunch. I ran to computer science as usual, where I actually opted to do work (partly because I was right in full view of Mr. Y) and got my assignments done. I ditched tennis to go to Julie’s house; we ate strawberries and worked on the scrapbook while listening to the Beatles. Kelsey came.. then left… then came again.. We (all 3 of us total) got a lot done—yess: we might actually get this done by convention on Friday!! Maybe. Fingers crossed.

And now? Now what am I doing? I’m chewing wintergreen gum, tapping my foot against the desk, and listening to the TV in the other room. And stalling. See, I should be madly reading my stats book, as there is a test tomorrow. And, what makes it worse, is that I HAVE NO CLUE what I’m doing. I mean, at all. And no notes allowed this time. Darn. Well, gee. I should really go do that….

Soon. In a few minutes. Really.

But as for now… hm.. I think that this blog needs some spice, some color. It’s seeming a tad… drab. Ah, here we go:

This is my grandfather's foot. Can you tell I was a little bored yesterday?

And this is Pendejo, the 3 legged dog from Milagro Beanfield War. Don't ask...

Well, there you go. A little randomness is always a good thing.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Well, Easter is generally a time for families..

Families are weird. Just a fact. I don't think there's really a 'normal' family; there's always some weird thing about them. Then again, what defines family? I've lately been thinking a lot about this, on my trip and whatnot. Also, right now. See, I'm here at the computer munching chips and guacamole, listening to the Goo Goo Dolls (I haven't listened to them in an eternity), and freezing my legs off because I'm in my new, short, olive-green shorts from Old Navy. And my oma, opa, dad, mom, brother, and sister are all splayed on the floor and various pieces of furniture watching a really ridiculous movie: RV. Simply, RV. If you have not seen it, I advise keeping it that way. They think it's great humor, but it's really... not. Basically to put it bluntly, it sucks. It's pathetic. I attempted to do the whole 'good daughter, part-of-the-family' thing and watch it with them just now... but I gave up after, oh, 20 minutes. I've actually suffered through this movie many, many times. My poor poor little brother has been brainwashed into thinking it is a good movie. He actually enjoys it.. or thinks he does. Well, anyway, I just recently have been noting the whole family thing. Some families are extremely close. Some families look all alike. Family is a very interesting concept. What exactly is "family"? A group of people, a mother, father, and children? Or maybe it's just everyone living in the same household? Perhaps it is a huge over-arching umbrella that encompasses every blood relative? But really, is family just 'blood-related'? I would reply with an emphatic "No," for the simple reason that I have experienced oh so many counter examples. I won't go into details, but I will just say that I really believe that family is not simply blood related. It's somehow deeper. I really can't explain it... family is such a weird thing... And the whole family/friend thing. I mean, it's kind of like a venn diagram in some cases. Someone can be your family without being your friend... someone can be your friend without being actual family (well, duh, right?).. and someone can be a friend and family. Now, this third category is intriguing. As I think about it, I guess I would consider some people in this category... but it's interesting. Okay, so here's the deal. A friend is someone whom with you communicate/talk/relate to/chill with/etc. right? I certainly communicate with members of my family, some more than others. But I honestly don't know if I (okay, this is going to be tricky, phrasing this, but I'll try) would interact with these people if I didn't have to. And a real friend is someone who you chooose, well, mutually of course. Hm.....

Okay okay okay. Enough of this. I'm just digging myself deeper into stupid territory. On another note, spring break is basically over. In just a matter of hours, I will be yet again back in school. The way I have it stated here, it is neither a bad thing or a good thing. It is a simple fact. I suppose in a way, though, I want to go back. It's always weird coming back from a vacation, don't you think? I really dislike it. The whole catching up, what'd you do/see thing. It's really quite annoying. At any rate, it's over.

And was it good, useful, productive, relaxing, helpful? Hrm.. yes and no. I suppose, yes. Yes it was. I mean, I escaped the clutches of my math teacher for a little while, and I read 2 books. I finished The Lord of the Flies. It was interesting... I can't tell if I liked it or not. Certainly not as much as the other things we've read (like Dorian Grey, Animal Farm, even Paradise Lost..). It seemed like... a lot of nothing. I mean, I know there were events that took place, and that the book was of average length. It just kind of seemed like not much plot... kids on an island, with time they become savage and turn on each other. Yay. The other book I finished was Where the Heart Is. I liked it. Well, most of it. Some parts were definitely NOT necessary. At all. I don't even want to think about it. Oh yeah, I also got further in Milagro Beanfield War. I was hesitant at first, but decided to read it because a teacher recommended it (which is kind of surprising, actually. Her personality definitely does not fit the book.. ha ha), and discovered that I'm actually enjoying it. It's not one of those 'I cannot possibly bear to put this thing down' books. But it's not at all one of those books that I hate to pick up. Like, um, The Good Earth. Ha ha. Yuck.

Well, I'm kind of feeling guilty for not being with my grandparents who I don't get to see very often, so I'll do the whole family thing now.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Well, okay. So my grandparents are here. It's always interesting when they visit. They're kind of health nuts, so they adore places like Vitamin Cottage and Trader Joe's. I actually relate to them a lot of the time; I actually surprisingly enjoy talking to them. I honestly get along better with my grandfather (Opa, as I call him), and actually talked to him for a long time today about, well, my spring break and also about colleges in general. I like talking to him because he doesn't berate or ridicule me in any way. He asks what I enjoy doing, and he listens more than spouting out advice.

Okay, well, anyway, I got kind of off topic. Getting back to what I was originally going to say, I have been thinking about dreams lately. It's kind of weird. I go through little phases in which I remember dreams for a few nights, and then I go back to my same old not-remembering-dreams way. I decided to relate just a few, before I forget them (just recently I had these).

First off, here's a good dream, actually. So I was in the RV, and we were going to visit my relatives (it was summer). We narrowly escaped a tornado, and we finally ended up at JMU (James Madison University). I wandered down the halls with the tour, but somehow got lost. I wandered hall after hall (all of which looked remarkably like the halls at my high school, complete with yellow lockers), and I rounded a corner and stepped into a large lecture hall. There I saw a man scribbling at big desk, and he looked up. It was Gysbertus. So, I forget the details, but I basically talked to the guy for a really really long time. He told me that he, since he was a professor, could automatically admit me. He did, and I became a humanities major. Well, then we went through his back door, which opened into Mr. T's biology room somehow. And then we walked up to Ms. B.'s room to tell her. And from there I kind of forget what happened, but there were locusts in the halls at the high school.

Okay, new dream. This one is quite interesting. I don't remember where I was or what was going on, but it was night time and I snuck into a room with a computer. I hurredly logged on and was reading a friend of mine's blog. Well, basically, I read it, and it said all this horrible stuff. Hm, how should I put this.. he was basically posting how he was vacationing at some remote spot with a teacher-friend of his. And he was posting about how they were planning murders. They were planning on murdering several students/teachers, and eventually taking over the school? The details are quite hazy, but yes. I don't know why he would even post such a thing (I would think it'd be kind of.. secret), but hey. It's just a crazy dream. It was really real somehow, though.. Weird.

Well, this one is even weirder. Man, I remember there was so much plot to this dream, but somehow it is all opaque and hazy now... let's see. I think someone stole my car, so I had to ride my bike to school instead of driving. I tried, but then there were these guards near the stoplight out of town who told me to turn around, that no bikes were allowed, only cars. So I rode around on my green bike (my bike is not green, by the way) and I came to this tavern, kind of by the current fire station, next to my brother's daycare. It was sort of a pub. I tied up my bike with rope, for some reason, and I walked in. It was dimly lit, but very busy. There was a commotion by the bar, and I walked over to see what everyone was gawking over, and there was a (don't laugh) leprechaun. He was about 3 inches tall, and quite proportionate.

Well.... I'm back

So right now I'm listening to this crazy Polish pop my mom's friend burnt for her and scarfing down some frootloops (they are pretty much the greatest thing on earth right about now). I kind of broke my thumb (not really, no worries) while attempting to wrestle my bike out of my tiny Honda just now. And, let me tell you: not a very pleasant experience. But I managed to get it, somehow, though it took about a trillion years. Anyway, as a result of my throbbing thumb, my typing is slightly impaired, and I may not be able to have the patience to type very long, though I have TONS I could/ might relate. As you may have gathered from my last (very short) post, I am now home. In a nutshell, I was incarcerated in an RV with my family driving aimlessly through the wastelands and cities of Texas, occasionally stopping to look at colleges. I really do not feel like relating my trip, as I’m sure you the reader do not feel like reading it, but I will say I met some pretty interesting people. I met this midget dude at Texas Tech named Maroof who was a petroleum engineer with a thick Middle Eastern accent. In Austin at Concordia, I met this lady with a hairy mole under her bottom lip that totally looked like a goatee. Her forhead was dappled with these huge protruding bumps. They were kind of like zits, only huge and tumor-like. She was pretty nice. I also met tons of other people, like this nice Junior English major chick with long blond hair at Texas A&M, and this Sophomore Psychology major guy with shaggy brown hair at Texas Tech that offered me and my mom an umbrella. Oh, and I met this dude with crooked teeth at an RV park, and he had the cutest Siberian husky ever. Okay. Enough of my trip, really. So, I have actually thought a lot about it, and I suppose I will keep my blog. I thought A LOT about quitting this one, and starting a new one. This one really kind of bugs me. But I looked at it, and it’s really not as bad as I thought. It just seems pretty… egotistical. All of it. Look at the f-ing title, for Pete’s sake. So, while bouncing around in our good ol’ RV with nothing really to do but stare out the window at the barren and desolate landscape, I thumbed through the map, searching blindly for a word, a name, that I could use for a new title. I never actually came up with one that way, but I ended up thinking of one on my own, influenced heavily by someone I know. So, even now, I am quite tempted to throw in the towel, so to speak, and start anew. You know, get that anonymity I have so craved at times. But then I think… wait a minute. I don’t really actually want anonymity. I want to be read, to be known. I think what I fear most at times (and this has really surfaced again and again in my mind on this trip) is… well, being alone. Solitude. You know, you can be surrounded by people and still be completely isolated. It’s weird. I mean, I kind of felt that way, standing in the drizzling and dreary rain as I stood surrounded by cold, gray concrete as thousands of strangers shuffled by me with upturned collars. I felt alone. And I think that, well, this is one way for me to be, or at least feel, connected. So. My thumb is hurting and I really should go at least speak to my grandparents. Bottom line: I was gone; now I’m back; I thought about bailing on this pathetic excuse for a blog; I ended up deciding to stick with it. What the hey. It’s something.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Home sweet home...