Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Okay okay

To make up for skiving off of posting, I'll try and make this post better than my previous few.

First off: Snow day. Normally, I would act all little-kid-ish and yell "yahoo! snow day!!!" when I heard the news... but I simply rolled over in my mountain of covers and went back to sleep. My throat was on fire, and I really didn't feel like celebrating. To tell you the truth, (I risk being beheaded/ disowned by saying this, but..) I'm actually kind of sick of the snow. It's not that I'm totally against it, but today wasn't one of those "magical snow-days" I always used to dream about. Today was kind of a blah kind of day; I would have enjoyed it (sad to say) a LOT more if I was the only one home. But there were 3 other very loud obnoxious people in the house... Yeah. Overall, today wasn't very productive. It's always exciting when there is a in-the-process-of-being-potty-trained 2 year old boy in the house. Let's just say there was an ... episode today in the kitchen, that involved a big puddle, me screaming, and us dragging Danny into the tub and plopping him down in it. Sigh. My sister was actually the most bearable today. My mom broke her nagging record, I'm pretty sure. Even now. Blah blah blah... dishes... blah. I don't mean to be mean, exactly, but it's just something about today. That's why we have school, I've decided. So that we stay sane. If I had to spend every day like this, I think I'd stab something with our big butcher knife. Multiple times. And I would be laughing maniacally.

So, yeah. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, though I suppose today wasn't ALL bad; I got some more bio studying in, and I actually did my homework! As in not BSing for once! I should probobly work on English more, but I was up til 12 last night writing and I don't really feel like working anymore. Actually when I think about it, I didn't feel like working the entire day. I'm pretty surprise I finished my homework. Very surprised. I woke up, groggy and congested at quarter til 7, when I thought we still had school. My parents sleepily mumbled that we had a 2 hr delay. I ate a yogurt and watched TV a little, then went back to bed until whenever. Today I did a lot of nothing.

I am sick. Well, sort of. I'm all sniffly and my throat was killing me this morning when I woke up. I've sneezed a gajillion times today. Sniffle sniffle.

Oh yes. Registration. Perhaps the most humiliating experience ever, the whole experience collectively. Also the most interesting. It started off okay. I spent yesterday studying with K and J for bio, for the test I thought I was taking at 9:30 today. We ate grilled cheese and then I left to pick up my mom. I hung out around her office for a while, talked to a bunch of different doctors (all of whom are extremely nice). Most of them, surprisingly, told me to enjoy my senior year, take it easy. I was very much liking their advice. Then we went to my car, but then my mom ran back because she forgot something. I swung by the front of the hospital and got her, and we went to the highschool. I needed to talk to my advisor or SOMEONE about my whole AP Psych issue (it requires the recommendation of a current history teacher, something I don't have). I should have talked to Ms. O the other day, but hey. Procrastination makes life interesting. So I scrambled around from room to room, looking for her. I poked my head in B-6, where she was supposed to be, but she apparantly left. I stupidly checked her room, but it was locked and dark. Then I ran up to the IMC to talk to Ms. L with my dad. After waiting for what seemed like forever, she was extremely welcoming and very nice, telling me I was a good student that didn't need a recomendation. She said that if any problems arose, I could come back to the IMC, because Ms. B was right there, and she would gladly recommend me. She actually said that! I'm pretty sure she knows I really like Ms. B, but it was just a weird thing to say, you know?

So then it was time for the actual appt. It took a while... Mrs. M was okay, I suppose. My parents met Mr. Y... and my mom really likes him. It's kind of funny.. so now I am enrolled in AP comp sci... and java... and AI. Yeesh. What am I, crazy? Well, at least no homework... I'm also in AP Psych, which ended up not being a problem at all (Mrs. M said that she could just recommend me). I suppose I'm pleased with my schedule... My dad said something was "hosed up." We all stared at him blankly. Who here as even ever heard that expression? No one, right? He is the only person in the universe that uses that expression, and now Mrs. M thinks he's psychotic... Then my dad met my math teacher. Death. And as the finale, my mom and Ms. B met. Well, they had met before at open house and at the XC pasta dinner, but now I think things are a little different. It was pretty cool. My mom agrees she's really nice. And I don't remember why, but Ms. B called me.. what was it.. oh! She called me "the cream of the crop," which was slightly odd but flattering just the same.

Sigh. The 5 day weekend is ending... Hey. At least we only have TWO days of school this week...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Yarg! I get so frustrated with myself; I haven't posted in what, 2 days??? Yeesh.


I don't actually have much time; K and J are coming over to study for the big bio test. Yuck (to the bio test, of course, not to them coming over.)

I have registration later today... and I STILL don't know for sure what I'm doing! What am I doing with my life? I still need to stew on it.

While this long weekend has been very relaxing and very calm, it is almost over... and I have almost no homework done. Perfect. Eh. I've got tonight, right?

I WILL post later, and I WILL post pictures; I must! Some are hillarious... (pictures from the dance, btw).

But now I must go.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


I just got home from the dance. Well, not just. A while ago actually. I feel and look kind of dead right now... plus someone killed my foot. Let's just say I'll be limping for a while. We got a lot of pictures; some actually turned out pretty well. I'll post some later, but I think right now I'll go eat a cookie and go to bed. I actually might by-pass the cookie.. All in all today was good. The SAT wasn't actually bad at all... the only bummer was that we took in my absolute faaavorite room...: Ms. S's room!! Yay.... It was perfectly fine though. Science Fair award ceremony on the other hand... not so fine. It was basically boring beyond reason, and I hereby declare I am officially done with going to Science Fair award ceremonies. Done. Nil. Kaput. I went last year because it was mine. I must have forgotten how completely dull it is, because I opted to go today, to see my sister go get multiple awards. But now I shall do what I was intending to do earlier. Eat cookie (perhaps), and go to bed. 'Night.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Fun day....

I just absconded to my neighbor’s to take care of Lady, their dog. And, how do I put this… it was basically a horrendous sight. There were puddles of goop the color of tar and the consistency of pudding that has been left out for a long time. But that was nothing compared to the acrid smell. It almost made me retch just walking into the room. What did this dog eat??? So, after pacing the room a bit to calm my nerves some, I resolved to clean it up. What else was there to do? I seem to have the worst luck when watching people’s dogs… After what seemed like an eternity in hell, I finally managed to get it cleaned up.

That was my most recent adventure. Before that, I was in back up in LA. Let’s back up a bit here. I went to school (more about that later), and then sped home, where I found not one crazy two-year old, but two of them. Apparently my mother volunteered to watch a co-worker’s daughter, whom I have babysat before. I watched them for a while (which was kind of interesting but extremely draining), then we all drove up to LA to take her to her house. Then we went to the high school for a while, to drop off Kristen’s experiment. Ms. R still hates my guts.. Then my dad (who met us there) suggests we eat out somewhere, so we head to Des Colores (sp?). After that we finally go home.

Now to talk about current topics of interest, topics I should be worried about (and am, to some extent). First is the imposing SAT I am taking bright and early tomorrow morning. I am, even now, getting nagged to study or something. I should probably do some sort of preparation…Well, I’ll get to that soon. And I want/ need to get a lot of sleep tonight. Next topic is the dance. I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. Besides the SAT, I mean. I will likely go to the science fair, but maybe my sister’s basketball game first. After that, everything is totally up in the air. I’m not even sure what dress I am wearing…

Then comes registration. Why does life have to be so complicated??? I want to take classes I will like/ that are interesting to me. My parents can only see into the far future. They tell me to take classes that directly correlate to what I want to be. Uh, problem: I don’t know that yet! I don’t know where I want to go for Pete’s sake. Sigh. I have ideas, but I have a feeling that my plans, er, will kind of clash with those of my parents. Deviating from the norm is not desirable. But I decided (today in stats, actually) that I officially do not want to take a lot of math. I don’t enjoy math, and I am not particularly good at it. At one point it may have interested me quite a bit, but now that is certainly not the case.

So that’s that. I’m going to go now…

Thursday, January 25, 2007

aLl oVEr the plaCe

it's a miracle. I finished stats (for the most part) and precal! Yeah! I'm pretty amazed. yuck. i forgot to do registration again. i've been thinking about it a lot though. i think i want to do 2 APs next year. i'm about to keel over from tiredness. English was uneventful, but Ms. B was nice again, gave me Special treatment, which I half appreciated and half didn't like. Bio was cool, despite yet another pop quiz. Not good. During student aiding, i instead went into Ms. S 's humanities class, to listen to a guest speaker, some guy from Genzyme stem cell research. It was interesting. i liked it. it was kind of a continuation of bio in some ways. Then key club. yawn (sorry, but that's the word to describe it). In comp sci, I finished our assignment and then played frozen bubble, getting to... Level 20 something... I don't quite remember. Then I drove home with the windows open again, averaging just over 60. It was calming.

tomorrow's finally Friday. It has been a tiring week; this has been the longest week this semester. It felt 10 times as long as the other weeks. tomorrow will be good.

One final note. Did you notice the random capitilization? The wonky, weirded out, inconsistant capitilization? Well, this is supposed to symbolize my uncertainty of what I am going to do with my life. my life is up and down, all over the place, scattered, random. Hence the freaky caps. Plus i'm feeling kind of tired and lazy...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I'm doing English right now; actually I just finished. I was revising/ adding to my memior. Today I asked Ms. B. for help. I walked up to her desk, knowing I needed help, and knowing I wanted her to read it. She took the folded and slightly crumpled piece of paper, and began to read. It was a weird sort of emotion I felt then; she was reading into my soul, my very being. She was slowly, quietly absorbing my Secret. And I felt oddly okay with it, glad, even. I don't know why. But after she read it, she looked at me with a new light, as if she were seeing me from a different angle. She spoke quietly, seriously, her voice (if this is even possible) even more gentle than usual. She went on and on about several different things. She told me I had, in essence, 3 memoirs compiled into one. She talked to me about my options, gave me suggestions. And she gave me a different assignment than everybody else; my assignment was just to concentrate on one of the memoir topics and go from there. She went on and on about therapeutic writing, while I just nodded, not sure if I could really trust myself to contribute to the conversation..

So. I did my assignment. Here’s a small excerpt for proof. I’m not sure what really prompted me to post this excerpt, but, well, here it is. My experience at the end of English made the rest of the day bearable (in other words, we got tests back in both Pre cal and Stats). Oh boy. But, yes, today was good for the sole reason that now she read it.

"Everything is hazy, mottled, shrouded by a cloud of confusion and helplessness. Shaking, I huddle in the tiny, dark room. Angry voices, scary voices, barrage the door to my little, safe cave. I quietly peek out of the one-inch crack in the door, trembling and very, very confused. I see vague shadows, two of them, moving around the dim room in fits of fury. Their voices intensify, both in volume and harshness. A door slams; the sound leaving eternal vibrations in my ears…"

Tomorrow will be good too, I know. Now to do bio.....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

ho-hum kinda day

Crunch. I'm at home. Eating Dorritos and listening to music. My house, as usual, is chaos. My little brother is running around; he's being chased by two 5th grade girls, who are yelling and shreiking in extremely high-pitched voices. My mom is talking to me, crunching on chips herself. Now I'm iming, and I should go soon, to take my sister and her friend to art class. I'm really happy: only precal for tomorrow. Today was.. what's the word for it... hum-drum. It wasn't a bad day at all, but there was this certain quality that just made it ... monotonous. Nothing special happened. In English we had to write some things about our first memoir... not a good thing. But I was tired of her not really knowing, so I asked her for help at the end of the period. She looked over my little summary, and as she read it, she gave a knowing smile. Not a happy smile, but a "ah. I see. I know what this is now" type of smile. And she gave a tiny nod and said, "This will be a hard story to write. A really hard story. But it will be a good one." And then I sat down. Things were okay in bio; we finished the lab, and then I made a duck named after our teacher. It was a mighty fine duck. Student Aid was okay. I got a lot done, but we didn't really talk much. I averaged some grades for her, checked off things, and followed her to the IMC, where she was talking to Ms. L. Then I bought dance tickets. Then went to Comp Sci. Uneventful. Then I drove L home. Now I'm doing bio, for some reason. I'm in a bio mood.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ack; haven't posted in a while...... oops...

Well, I'm forcing myself to post, because it has been so long since I have. I'm kind of drained of energy at this point for some reason. It's not that I've grown sick of this, but my writing has been focused, lately, on memior writing for English. I'm actually having fun with this unit. We first had to draw a picture to go along with a memory metaphor we made. Mine was something to the effect of "Memory is a shadow," and a drew this cool picture of a dude and his evil shadow, which is kind of how I feel. So instead of posting here, I was finally able to write more of the things I've needed to write.

I’ve been actually writing things that I can write without worrying about who’s reading it. I know that only one person is going to read it, and that I’m fine with, for some reason. It’s really weird that I’m completely cool with this stranger (sort of) reading all this personal stuff. But she hasn’t read any yet. She will later. I hope we don’t have to correct/ share them with peers. I might talk to her about it ahead of time, because I really don’t want to share these things, esp. not the first one. So. My grades aren’t so hot, but I’ve got the whole semester to better that. It’s cool. Dunno if I’m going to homecoming. I kind of have a date already… with three people. Ha ha. I don’t think I will end up changing my advisor.

As you can tell, I’m pretty spent with my writing. I just want/ need to go to sleep. I got to school at like 7:10 today. It was freaky. There were no other people; I thought it might be a Saturday or something. Tomorrow’s gonna be good-- how could it not be? It’s an A day! And A’s are better than B’s, right? K. I’m gonna go scribble something down for bio.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Driving home was the highlight of my amazing day

Today was unbelievable beyond compare. It’s inexplicable how content I am. I’ve decided that I love Fridays. I absolutely do. Especially A Fridays. In English we read our memoir openers and discussed things (kind of boring). In Bio we took notes and played with clay (pretty sweet). Student Aid was really cool. Ms. B. had me make a powerpoint presentation and put a bunch of photographer facts on it, and a bunch of pictures. And then I made a longer one. She was over-joyed, thrilled. She was ecstatic that I made it work. But the weird thing is that it wasn’t actually a hard task. She told me it’d be a challenge. I’m beginning to understand that she… is sort of lacking in computer skills. It’s okay though. She and I talked for a while, when I got back. She told me I would really enjoy humanities, and then we somehow got to talking about yearbook. We talked a lot. Then I went to lunch.. in the yb office. Ran to comp sci; it was okay. We did a few things, but I got a lot of gametime in too. That class is so relaxed, it’s amazing. After school I went to yearbook and finished up one last thing. I’m so happy! The other thing that made me giddy and elated was that Ms. S. was very pleased with my writing (the writing that I did late last night after finishing The Memory Keeper’s Daughter). It just gave me a contentedness all over. Way cool. Know what? I’m always carrying something weird from the yearbook office to my car in Sullivan Field. Yesterday it was a big pot of flowers. Today it was B. A.’s blanket, piƱata, and cake tub. And L. A.’s hat. That was interesting. I have never felt so good driving home. I thought of how I was just a girl wearing a superman hoodie and ripped jeans. I turned the music up way loud to a really good song and I opened the windows, to feel the rush of frigid air. It felt good to be going 60 or so, my car slicing through the air, the roar of wind in my ears. I felt in control for once. I felt completely useful and productive today for once. I got home and ate cereal, thoughtfully crunching as I stared at the window. Little steps at a time, I told myself. At least I was making progress. I’m pretty sure I’m taking Humanities next year; not AP English (though I have the option to do either Hum, reg, or AP). And I know that I need to take Gov and Econ. And I will be in Yearbook. That’s 3 for sure classes. 4, actually, since Humanities is two blocks. I also am probably going to take AP Calc, and I want to take a science class, though I don’t know what yet. Arg. I would so take AP Bio if not for the teacher. I was discussing this with a fellow student today: teachers really affect you. You spend more time around teachers than your own parents. (Because when you’re at home, you’re either doing homework or sleeping or eating or something. Not spending time with parents.) They can make you like something so so much, or they can completely turn you off of something. Sigh. I told Ms. B today that I had no idea what I’m going to do. It’s really tough to make decisions. All the same, today was really good.. I told so many teachers to have a good weekend, it’s not even funny! What a dork. Another reason today was good relates back to my attire today. Wearing these clothes, I feel like a cartoon. A while back J was asking about when I would be happiest, what would be my Utopia. I answered, “I’m happy now,” but I guess if it could be ANY thing, I’d want to be a cartoon. I’m not a crazy clownhead. I know that that’s not possible. But it’d be cool to think about. Man, if I were a cartoon… maybe that’s why today was so cool. I felt very cartoonish. Yeah. I’ll go. But first, a pic….. of a goofy lady looking kind of evil. Since not many people know what my favorite teacher actually looks like, I’ll show them. (But she really doesn’t look this creepy normally.)

This is Ms. B. (I took the picture for yearbook, people! I’m NOT an insane stalker). Funny funny funny...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sigh. Tired, tired, tired. Questions, questions, questions. I'm uber tired; what else is new? I need to stop spitting out the same, tired, bland words. I have bio still. Then some English. And then I will go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be nice. I am happy; I wrote the intro the mugs section. Well, at least got a rough draft of it, a sketch, if you will. I am very close to finishing The Memory Keeper's Daughter.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I just changed my brother’s diaper. It was just like the past few hours of my life: crappy. My day, my mood, plummeted the moment I stepped outside P-wing, after toiling over a computer for over an hour. One of my friends broke her promise, yet again. She said “Oh, yes. We’re going to leave at 4.” At quarter til 5 we were sprinting out of P wing. Rather, my friend sprinted ahead; I walked faster and faster, trying to keep up with my friend. Finally we got to the car. Or my friend did. The car began to pull away, and my friend screeched out the window, “I’m not going to wait for you!” We needed to get an important package to an important place by 5. To make a long story short, we rode the whole way home in stony-cold silence. The silence was suffocating me. But it kind of became a game. Who would crack first? I, extremely tired and temples throbbing, was quite frankly not in the mood. I got home and got yelled at again. To make a long story short, I am not getting along with two people who mean a lot to me. I am chewing gum, to make things okay. I ate cake. I’m going to go whip through my homework, study for my two stupid tests, and jump onto my bed. Staying up all night is not a good idea.

I kind of feel like a Zombie today, though now not so much.

I'm in comp sci right now; nothing real interesting going on. I've been replying to emails, checking things, posting, and other general 'wasting time on the computer' things. I hope to finish my little project today, for yearbook. I should probobly be worrying a whole lot right now; I have next to nothing about orchestra, and my deadline is approaching quite fast. I should probobly also worry about the Statistics test... but I don't think I'm going to. I probobly should do the homework... Okay so today I'm going to be sane and go to bed at like 9. Or earlier... Here's the plan. I waste another half hour doing nothing here, I go to yearbook for an hour and work like crazy to finish my project, I go home and eat cake, I practice piano some, and I do homework. Yikes; we have an English test tomorrow too I just realized. It's gonna be okay though. The play today went really well; I was pretty pleased. We didn't do exceptionally well; we didn't get extra credit or anything (like the group that I was reading lines for), but I enjoyed it just the same. I hope I do okay on my scrapbook. Then Friday we're going to start memoirs, which will be kinda cool. I never have actually talked to her about Gysbertus; I keep meaning to... Bio was okay; I was basically dead in student aiding. I had to look up "Pro stem-cell research" articles, and it was actually kind of hard to get a good, recent one. Lunch was kind of funny; we took pictures (or attempted to) of Mr. T, brushing his teeth. And now I'm here. I can't beleive that it was earlier today that I lay in my bed, reading my book. I don't know why (I suppose it must have been the delerium), but I kept crying. The book is getting weird and risque. Basically, the world is corrupt. Sigh. I wish I had done ALL of my precal last night.. er.. this morning... So this techno in here is actually starting to get to me, a little bit. I kind of just want to go outside where there is actually some light and read my book. I hate my whole apathetic, whiny, worn-out attitude today. I hereby conclude that pulling random all-nighters is NOT a very good idea. Huzzah. Man. I'm hungry; I had no lunch.

My crazy idea

So. I'm crazy. I admit it now. I'm kind of in a comatose state right now. I'm half-awake, half asleep, not really doing much of anything. So I was iming someone 'til like 12:30, then I finished my English (finally) at about 1 or so. Now I'm playing a game to see how long I can last without falling asleep. I'll be getting up in less than 4 hours anyway. I seem to be functioning pretty well still; I only recently (last half hour or so) realized I was tired. I, for the past hour or so, have been doing precal, don't ask why. I don't know myself. I realized that I had a lotta homework, and stats, so I figured since I was up, I would do that. Now I might go put on a sweat shirt, take out my contacts, and go read TMKD. Man. I'm going to be dead tomorrow. Today. Whatever. I never do this; what is wrong with me? It's kind of fun. My parents have been asleep since like 11 or something. Maybe I'll eat a snack. Woah. First I typed "snake" because I'm so used to writing it (for English). This new humidifier behind me is kind of creeping me out. It's cold and it is making funny noises. I should go. I don't know how long I'll last. Tomorrow (today) is gonna be crazy. Maybe I just won't ever go to sleep.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My day was a piece of cake for once.

I had 4 pieces of cake today. It’s kind of crazy. I had 2 at school, 2 at home. 3 of these pieces were fairly small, but one was pretty big. I just finished my big piece. It was kind of my dinner. Wait. Scratch that. I had cold pizza and orange juice for dinner. Eh. So I’m doing English now, so I’m not complaining. I have one more paragraph to write. It is kind of like the conclusion to my little scrapbook thing. I have really enjoyed this assignment. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, too, when we present our plays. Ms. B. gave the class a little pep-talk today, and our group worked a LOT better than on Friday, when we were assigned this project. Almost everyone contributed at least a little, and no one had any inappropriate ideas. We got a surprising amount of work done, actually. I’m quite pleased. But apparently a lot of people had come to her outside of class to ask her if they could be put in different groups, so at least a few groups disbanded and I think a few people are even working individually. But I was determined to stay a group for two reasons: A) we weren’t actually that bad off on Friday. No one was yelling or cussing; people were just unresponsive and completely lacking enthusiasm. And B), Ms. B. said something to the effect of “But yes, you may work independently or in smaller groups if you so choose. I respect your inability to work together peacefully.” Something like that. I wanted to show that I am NOT incapable of working with other human beings in a civil manner. Anyway, I typed up the play and it will hopefully go okay tomorrow. I just need to remember to bring in some fake flowers.. maybe a watering can… For once I can’t complain at how Precal went. It was more or less a sane class, I did well on the quiz, and I now sit by a good friend. I think this semester will be MUCH more bearable. I had no one near me 1st semester. Stats… eh…And then I went to the dentist. It was pretty dandy. I never understand why my mother gets nervous going to the dentist. It’s not that exciting, really. I had to wait a while, so I was glad that I had remembered a book. A really good book (which Ms. B. coincidentally just read too! Insane! She loved it TOO! Anyway.. I’ll compose myself now…). I didn’t want my eyes to start watering right there in the waiting room of the dentist’s office… luckily they didn’t. So I’m convinced. There is a giant conspiracy against sherri, and now my dentist is in on it too. Great. What is the one question great for making small talk with a junior in high school? Answer: “Well, what are you planning on doing? Looking at any colleges yet?” Well, I’d answer, except there was kind of metal in my mouth! Don’t you hate it when dentists ask you questions, and you can never answer? They do realize that you can’t talk, right? Hello!? Anyway, that question is all I’m being bombarded with these days. I can’t escape it. I keep running into it. Everywhere I go! The rest of the appt. passed with no incident, and then I went to yearbook, where I was luckily able to get a lot done. I’m really pleased with it, actually. Not to sound egotistical or anything. I have a door now. A door to my room. No doorknob, but a door. Oh. Random note to anyone that may find this at all interesting: I have a Swingline stapler. I should go finish my English so I can read some more of my book, but first I shall put in one last tidbit of information. Today I got the weirdest email ever. It was pretty startling. No, people, it wasn’t from Gysbertus (though I am still checking!). It was from myself. My PAST self. Over a year ago, I went to or something like that. It lets you send emails into the future. I had picked a random date and sent myself a really dorky email. It was basically senseless rambling, but it went something like this “good luck on your next math test. I had a math test today. Do you like math? When you get this email I want you to have a good day! Partay!…” Blah blah blah. You get the picture. So. I had forgotten all about that. I don’t remember if I sent multiple emails. I’m pretty sure I sent them to only myself though… it could be pretty catastrophic otherwise. I mean, once an email is sent, it’s sent. Well, that about sums up my day. I made a cake. Wow. And my eye really itches for some reason.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Bored... stalling...

I finished my precal, basically. I just have to study for that stupid quiz. I hate deriving. I still think it'd be cool for Mrs. S. to get a bumper-sticker that says 'I'm a speedy deriver.' Soon my dad'll come home, and bring us pizza from Pizza Hut. I'm listening to Pandora. The Radio Disney edit of "Almost" is pretty ridiculous. It's kind of making me laugh. I'm bored and stalling, so I did the dishes and now I'm going to post some pictures...

This is the book I'm reading. It has made me cry already... more than once...

My computer:

Good day...

Today is a good day. Not great. Not wonderful. Just good. I can tell already. Some days are just like that. I know that I have a crap load of work to do, and I know that I have to watch my siblings while my parents are at work. But that's okay. Whatever. Today is good because I, for once in a long while, feel completely rested. I feel... complete today. It might be in part due to the fact that my room is finally done. Nothing is hung up on the walls yet, and my new sheets/ bedding (which is my birthday present) isn't there yet, but everything else is done. I love it. My closet is COMPLETE!! I am ecstatic. I finished it last night after getting home from Santa Fe, despite the fact that I was really tired. I made my closet nice and neat. Then I grabbed a flashlight and my new book, and read and read until I fell asleep. I love that. I love struggling to make words make sense by the light of a very dim flashlight. After a while, it just becomes gray and the words mesh together, and dreams flood in instead of words. In this instance, my book kind of translated into a crazy dream. I don't often remember dreams, so this is a big deal for me. I actually really like this dream, and remember it with precise detail. Well, precise is relative, I suppose... But here goes: Norah, the mother in The Memory Keeper's Daughter, was lying on the couch in her house (which was somehow my grandmother's house) mourning her dead daughter (who wasn't actually dead, but yeah...). This part is kind of hazy, but then I walked in on her. It was the wrong cabin (for the house was actually a cabin), so I walked out. My friends and I were at Weekend of a Lifetime. Except it was in Burma. It was kind of weird. It was all tropical and yet some parts of the terrain were heavy wooded areas, like in northern US. Anyway, there were a lot of people, and it was nothing like WoaL really was. We had seperate cabins. And there were people there from random places. I mean, K and J and I were there of course, but then there were people from my English class, and a few random people from the school. There were also people there from one of my youth gatherings in Alb. Like the guy with the curly hair in a ponytail. And that chubby girl named Robin. And Shannon. Anyway, a bunch of girls were in one cabin, some sitting on the beds, some on the floor, some in chairs. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back, everyone was leaving. It was time for a nature hike (something, by the way, that we never did at Weekend of a Lifetime). Ms. B. was the leader of our group. Our group was mostly our English class. So we walked into this place that kind of looked like the skihill (without the snow of course), and then she said, "Do you want to go way up on top of the mountain, or go down into the valley?" And everyone yelled "Mountain!" except S S. We walked and walked for a longg time and finally came to the top of the mountain, which actually ended in a steep cliff, with a lush jungle below. We were basically in a rainforest. And, get this, we were so far up that I could (this is weird) touch the "ceiling" of the sky. It was white, just like MY ceiling (but the walls are light blue). And I could touch it, so I did. And I also saw multicolored balloons that we had all released earlier that day, and they were all just at the top of the ceiling. Then a woman of about 20 or so came up to S S. and was talking to her. I wasn't paying much attention. I was taking in the view and looking at my balloon on the ceiling of the sky. Then we somehow went down the mountain (I don't remember how), but then we were down, down by a river, surrounded by thick rainforest trees. Then I noticed the woman again, and she waved to Ms. B. They approached each other like they knew each other. I watched curiously as they talked, and then Ms. B. came over to me and S S. and a few others. She took S S. and me aside, and asked S S., "So the only thing that woman told you is that she is 20 years old and that she has a boyfriend?" And S S. nodded. I was puzzled. A little later, I was talking to Ms. B. alone. I asked her, "So, who is that?" And she said, "She was a student I taught one of my first years teaching. Her name is Bree. She is 20 years old now. She was my favorite." I blinked and looked over at Bree, who was pretty, petite, and very skinny. I said, "She kind of looks like you." Ms. B. nodded and said, "Everyone always said that. Bree loves English. She's going to be a teacher." I looked thoughtful. Then the dream kind of tapered off. I don't remember the rest. I kind of liked the dream. Bree, by the way, is a character in my book. And she is 20. She is Norah's sister. Anyway, that was my dream. Wow, I must have been typing a while. I should probobly stop. I have a lot of English to do. And math. Whatever. I think I'm going to go play in the fort that I made for my brother in my room. It's pretty beastly. I love making forts. Okay, I'm done. Really. Wait! One picture of my nice nice room.

Yayy! My closet! (The inside is neat, too).

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I just got back. Sigh.

I have a lot to say, but unfortunately I am extremely tired, so I won't be able to type a long post. I just got back from SF; my family was there all day. It was fun, but tiring. I got a new trashcan, a comforter, slippers, and a book. I really like the book. It is called The Memory Keeper's Daughter, by Kim Edwards. I am completely addicted; I'm already almost a fourth of the way done. I hate that. I buy a book and read it right away. I never know how to pace myself; I'm like that in a race, too. I go out way too hard and then am tired. I let out this burst of energy when doing something. I can never do things reasonably. When I get enthralled with something, I obsess. Anyway, today was good, but tiring. Yesterday I was rudely awakened quite early (.... like 8...) for some reason. We had to get ready for my sister's basketball game, which wasn't even until 10:30 or something. It lasted a while, then we had snacks and drove home. They won, so that's good I suppose. And yesterday was another day that my parents were earnestly trying to get me to decide what I want to do. Well, my mother is telling me that English is retarded. Which got me passionately mad, and now all I really want to do is English. My dad calmed me down a bit; he told me to do what I want. He defended my position. He just told me I needed to be thinking. So that's what I did yesterday. But I then thought about how materialistic everyone is. And today in Sunday school I was pretty pleased with the conversation, which touched on my very thoughts from yesterday. Does it really matter if you make a whole lot of money? I mean, is it better to do something that you dislike and get paid a lot? Or is it better to do something you like, yet not get paid much? I would certainly say the latter, but too many people say the first one. Like my uncle. I sigh at things like this. Of course, this is all very well in theory, just thinking about it. But what happens when it comes time to really practice what I'm preaching here? I mean, would I really enjoy a low salary? It would certainly be nice to have money. But money is NOT that important! Arg. I was extremely dissettled yesterday. More than mildly perturbed. I was upset at the fact that my own mother is not satisfied with her job. She says she'd like it more if it paid more. I was also upset at the fact that I am so undecisive. I like being creative. I really like it. I'm realizing I tend to like abstract things more than concrete things. Math is boring. Proving things. Q.E.D. Woo. Okay. Well, let's list things I enjoy. I enjoy laughter. That comes to mind first. I enjoy children. Kids. Young people. (A, they're funny, and B, they are so full of enthusiasm and energy). I enjoy creativity. I enjoy acomplishing things. I enjoy interacting with people. I enjoy beautiful things. I enjoy funny things. There is so much more I enjoy, but I can guarantee you that chemistry is not on there. Nor is probobility. Math in general is pretty distasteful to me these days. So I am not declaring anything yet. Not at all. But I am thinking. Not constantly thinking; there is no constant forboding lurking in my mind. But I will occasionally keep evaluating how things are going. Yesterday I, upset and depressed for some vague reason, asked my mom after she told me to get a good job, "Well, what defines a good job??" And she paused and said that it is different for different people. I want to hear from the reader. What would you answer to the bolded part of my post? I am not distraught anymore; I know that everything will all work out in the end. I am just pensive. Woo. We have tomorrow off. I can sleep in... and do homework that I conveniently put off... ah well.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Really annoying..

Know what bugs the crap out of me? People are so materialistic.

Friday, January 12, 2007

This was originally meant to be posted on Wednesday; my computer was being weird

I seem to be swinging back and forth between moods, day to day. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but I certainly hope this trend does not continue. But it is unlikely that tomorrow could possibly even be close to how amazing today was. I can't even describe it. It was amazing all around. At the end of English, during the last few minutes, Ms. B called me up to her desk and asked me to make 40 copies of a worksheet. I enthusiastically agreed and sprinted off. Some nice lady let me go in front of her in line, and even showed me how to do it. I raced back, copies in hand. I almost ran into a grinning Ms. B in the hallway; I had never seen her grin that widely before. She said, "Thank you so much!" and then said a little quieter, "I left you a little present on your desk." I must have looked quite astonished, because she laughed at the look on my face. I then sprinted to her room to see what it was. It was a note: "Thank you, Sherri!" Smiley face. -- Ms. B. And a lolly pop was taped to the note. It was that amazing. I put it in my sweatshirt pocket. And whenever I wasn’t in a good mood, I’d reach in my pocket, feel the lolly pop, and I’d be happy again.

This was from Wednesday, the 10th. (Ms. B’s birthday!) I didn’t know that it was her birthday at the time, though. I thought I’d post it, to give the reader an example of what my days were like this week. I realllly like A days. Okay. Enough. I’m gonna go.

The last few days...! : )

Ah. I'm content. I love Fridays. I'm home, nice and cozy. I just got home from my neighbor's house. I'm taking care of their house and their dog, Barron. But now my shoes are kicked off and I can't help but smile at the fact that it's Friday. So, the net total of this school week was very very positive, despite my greuling, yucky, horrible, icky day. The "Sherri hates everyone and everything" day. The rest of the days have been nice. VERY nice. I'm so happy right now for some inexplainable reason.I just ate Chinese food, which was marvelous. I stayed late for yb and got a lot lot done. Which is very good. I got 2 things completely done, and even managed to cut out a picture! And just for the record, I LOVE being a student aid. Now both days have really good news about them. I admit that I favor A days (of course..), but B days are actually very okay. On A days, I now go to English (yay!), Biology (yay!), Student Aid for Ms. B (yay!), and then Comp Sci (good!). B days: English (yay!), Precal but I now sit by Julie (yay!), Stats… ‘nuff said…(it’s actually okay), and then yearbook (yay, because now it’s doing what I love best). I found out so much in so few days! It’s weird. This week has gone by so fast, yet I feel like I’ve been back at school for a long time. I don’t know. It’s really weird. I like school, despite staying up to finish homework. If homework was optional, I’d love school. Well, I suppose homework IS optional… I mean, I don’t HAVE to do it… Anyway. The 10th of January was Ms. B’s birthday! OMG! I know soo much now. I love just sitting in her room, talking to her. This is what I had envisioned, basically. Except I now feel extremely embarrassed, because Lindsey said to her yesterday, “Sherri wants to know what your ex-husbands name is!” And she laughed. She always laughs. Another good thing about her. She makes people happy. My math teacher laughs…. But ONLY at her own jokes! Ms. B laughs at other people’s jokes. She’s so funny. I’m writing this down just so I can look back and have some record of it, even though it happened a long time ago. So Ms. B was playing with a timer, you know, one that goes DING! And she made it “ding” twice, and I was just watching her. I said, “Having fun?” and she just laughed and laughed, looking kind of embarrassed. She said hurriedly, “I was just making sure it worked!” Then we laughed. Mr. Thurston always makes me laugh too. But that’s kind of a given. He’s a hilarious man. Pretty much everyone loves him. I’ve really enjoyed these last few days. I found out her dog’s name, her boyfriend’s name, and many more things. I even confirmed the fact that she is divorced. Definitely. And her husband WAS that creepy guy!!! Ahh! So tomorrow is my sister’s first basketball game. I’m listening to Pandora and juggling 2 beanbags and a gluestick (I lost my other beanbag). I can’t wait for next week! I think I’m going to Santa Fe this weekend. I love doing student aid jobs. I run. Literally. Now I can run, by the way. I wasn’t supposed to run for 3 months!

So now I'm going to work on my scrapbook, I think. Wait! I need a picture.

This is the picture on the last page of my scrapbook. It's supposed to be the forbidden fruit that Eve bit into. Sigh. I really enjoyed PL. I'm kind of sad we're done.

I'm in comp sci

It's been way too long since I last posted. It bugs me. I tried to post. I think it was a few days ago. Anyway, blogger wasn't working, so I couldn't publish it. I have it at home. I will post when at home again. But basically this has been a really amazing week back. It has gone extremely fast. I found out a lot this week. Now I have the core mystery solved. Well, not the core mystery. more later. The bell rang.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My ridiculously horrible nasty day. Screaming, ranting, and raving ensue.

Today was as bad as yesterday was good. Actually, probobly more so. Basically, today sucked. Royally. My 'lovely' day started out when I dropped my phone behind my bed. (It had been on the bed, I guess, ever since last night.) I said, "whatever," and decided to forget about it. So I... Hm. Well. Dangit. Everyday I get more and more upset that people I know are actually reading this. Now, you reader, don't think I'm mad at you for reading this. I kind of just wish this were annonymous, so I could say what I really want to say. For this, I suppose it would not be couth or sane to say this next thing, but basically it's not the best time. So that was another bad thing about today that was bugging me all day, which usually doesn't bug me. Hrm. So then I went into the kitchen, already late. I began to empty the dishwasher and was about halfway done when I was trying to juggle a bunch of plates, bowls, and a measuring cup (I use the word "juggle" loosely here. I was not actually trying to juggle them, though it doesn't sound that far from something I'd do). I don't know how, but I guess I was carrying way too much, and I dropped the nice, expensive, glass measuring cup. And it made a big loud crash. And shattered. I yelled. Thereby waking up my brother. Well, everyone came in and I stammered, "Oops.." My dad told me to get the vacuum, so I dragged the heavy thing out into the kitchen and spent a ridiculous amount of time getting every last shard. Basically I had to vacuum the entire kitchen. I don't know how it shattered so far. Then I ate some frootloops to calm my nerves. My mom, brother, and sister were running late too, and we were heading out the door at the same time, coincedentally (though I was driving in the Honda seperately), but then my mom says, "Sherri, don't forget your phone!" I pause for a moment and groan. I realize my phone is in the dark chasm by my bed that is nearly impossible to gain access to. So I humor my mother and my own determination and I work on getting the stupid phone out for a while. I realize that it is almost 8, so I miraculously get my phone, dash out the door with a piddly little lunch of frootloops, a cookie, and water. Oh, and squished muffins. I drive to school quite sanely and calmly, surprisingly. Then things were fine... I wasn't late... Well, then English, my most favorite class, was not my cup of tea. Instead of reading PL to us like she often does with her honey-sweet voice that makes you think you could listen to it forever, she had us read with a partner... that she chose. Well, it wasn't horrible, but it was pretty boring. My partner wasn't horrible, I guess...Then lovely lovely Precal with the woman I adore. (Note the sarcasm.) We had a butt-load of homework, a mountain, if you will. Whatever. It's more or less easy. Stats wasn't horrible, but I can't place my finger on a good thing, either. I made a mistake in Sarah's notebook. We went over the final. Then Mr. P droaned on and on about some crap that dealt with probobility. I know that much. I was bored so I went to the bathroom, then to the office to get a drink (it has the best water, you know). Lunch pissed me off beyond reason. People. People, people, people. I shoulda forwarned everyone or something, but today is not a very good day to mess with me. I am living on like 5 1/2 hours of sleep (when I personally need about 10 or 11 to be extremely well rested), I am in severe pain, and I am not in the mood. It's amazing how different today is from yesterday. Well, anyway, I wish I could make an announcement to the world: don't take a jab at my family, because that is taking a jab at me. This was a bad jab. A wound, you might say. Please pass it on that I do not find it funny, nor amusing in the least bit, nor interesting, to hear crap about the man whom I call my father. You people do not know him. I would advise you not to make remarks about people you do not know. Why the heck do you think you have that right? People who shall remain nameless do this to me often. They tell me that my parents hate them. This is bogus horse crap. You don't have that right to assume that. Well, whatever. Assume whatever the heck you want. It just won't be correct. Example situation: someone says "Yo. Your dad hates me. He's always grumpy. He's mean." I say, "No. You're wrong." The same someone continues on and on and on about crap they shouldn't even be saying. Now, this really hits home because of a certain fact about me. Now, a lot of people reading this are at this point going, "Uh... what is she ranting and raving about? What?", but some know this fact about me. They know what my dad did for me. He chose. Okay? Is that mean? Is it mean to adopt a little girl and take her into your home and care for her and love her and take her on RV trips and introduce her to the church and her very best friend and buy her a camera and teach her piano and buy her a puppy and wash her sheets when she had accidents in them and stay with her in the hospital until 3 in the morning and paint her room blue for her???????? Just asking. Man, I'm fuming. What really defines a parent? Just blood-related? Certainly not. Holy CRAP not. To all you idiots out there who think that, screw you. A parent is someone that loves you and cares for you, teaches you and prepares you for life. Some aren't very good at it. Some are short-tempered. Some blunder through it. Screw-ups are made. (esp. with the guinea pig first child). But your parents are still your parents. The most important people in your life for the first 18 years. The ones you look up to and trust. And love. Okay people? I love my dad. Don't talk crap about people unless you know them. That's like me saying, "Wow. I hate Ms. S." I've spoken to her a few times, and have seen a few bad experiences, but I, in all honesty, do NOT live with her, do NOT know her, and therefore do NOT have any right to judge her. I don't have a right to really judge anyone. I don't think I've ever seen myself like this, but I really cannot stop typing. It might have something to do with my severe tireness, my headache, my other aches, and the mountain of homework I have. And the prospect that the homework will only get worse from here.
What now? Ah, well, I would talk about the rest of the day, but it really is not worth mentioning. Oh, but I should at least include a FEW more examples of my rotten day. There were plenty, beleive me. I didn't get much done in yb. I stupidly talked to Kenya (a code name, btw) after school for a long time before I realized that I needed to go pick up my brother. I ran to my car. I stopped running to my car when I slipped on the ice. I walked quickly the rest of the way to my car. I sped to WR. I was late getting him. I was a few feet from hitting a stupid red car in the middle of the intersection. I screamed. And right now my hands are quite cold and I have a horrible horrible ache. I need some Tylenol, a sweatshirt, and a nap.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Contented sigh

I feel amazing. Well, I guess that is a bogus overstatement, but I am very happy right now. It's kind of unexplainable. I knew I'd be happy when school got back. Today wasn't very much like I had pictured it, but it was great nonetheless. It wasn't a spectacular day; I mean, I didn't hang out with my friends a ton or throw things or have a hootin' hollerin' good time or anything. And it wasn't a spectacular day in that I got a bunch A+'s back or anything. It was just nice. It felt nice to finally be doing something different. It felt nice to be out of that dismal Health classroom. And it felt nice to be in control picking up my brother from daycare. This time I went alone to pick him up (oddly, usually someone is there with me, either my sister or someone), and everyone treated me nicely and courteously (sp?), instead of like a crazy woman trying to kidnap a kid (like they did the first time my sister and I picked him up). Well, I got him in the carseat (which, by the way, is an amazing feat, actually it is near impossible), and drove him home and we ate donuts and talked. So. I like my schedule changes. This is looking like it is going to be an interesting semester; I think I'm going to like it better than the last. Health class? Come on. Total ripoff, though that is definitely not the right word, but I'll use it for lack of a better one. And SAT/ACT prep? I am sure glad to be out of there. Though I will miss some of my classmates. Actually, I have another class with the ones I am thinking of, so nevermind that. Yes. Computer Science is not that bad. I actually liked the first day, though I doubt anyone else really did. Except maybe that weird kid... Anyway, we simply watched a movie about Galileo. I liked it a lot, because it made me think a lot. As I sat in that horribly horribly uncomfortable chair, I pondered math and science and religion and philosophy and art. You know. Interesting things. Oh. Biology was really cool too. See, this stuff is what I pictured learning at the beginning of the year. I really like cell-splitting stuff. I was surprisingly focused in class. Oh yeah! I just thought of something else! We are doing the most amazing project in English. Well, okay. The project itself isn't incredibly amazing (though it is going to be really cool), it was presented in such a way that I really liked. In other words, the instructions were really funny. So my brother was just wearing my tennis shoes and sharpening pencils (he loves to sharpen pencils), but then he jumped up frightened, afraid of a "shark." So now he's on my lap. I love the little guy. Yeah. Today's a good day. I'll do a little more drawing for yb, some drawing for English, and then do bio. Contented sigh.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I decided I'd put some random picture on here; I realized it was getting a little bland. I mean, I haven't put a picture in a while. So this is my dog Buster. I did this last summer. NOW I'm gonna read in bed and go to sleep.
I'm dead tired and it's only 8. Last night I went to bed at 12. Night before: 2. Night before: 1. And I got up relatively early every single day. Now most of my furniture is finally in my room. But alas, my closet isn't ready yet. I also have a headache, and I'm kind of shuddering at the fact that we have school tomorrow. Actually, the school thing is fine. I WANT to go to school. The getting up early thing is what gets to me. Right now I'm eating Frosted Flakes (YUM!), but then I think I'm going to get ready for bed. Well, I hope school goes okay tomorrow.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The most amazing night ever

Amazing! I survived driving home in the snow!! I drove SLOW for once. A lot of people passed me, cough cough..But it's all good. Basically today was the best ever. More later. Much more later. It was great. But basically my day went as such. Got up, ate eggs, ran around with my brother with a "cape" on (AKA a blanket), and he had his on, and pretended to be super heroes. This is crazy and ironic, but my mom officially named him... Super Danny! And me... Super Sherri! It was weird. Well, considering I'd never heard my mom say that, and also she knows nothing of this blog. Anyyway, I then ate cold pizza and went to Lisa's to watch Anything Goes, a musical. I actually really enjoyed it. I don't really like the French woman though...So then I went home for a bit, then went to the most amazing place ever. Actually, it was not the place that was amazing, but the events that took place inside the building. It was amazing, and well, let's just say I nearly wet my pants from laughter. Plus there was this pervert guy there... but anyway, I'm kind of tired. And weirdly hungry, despite all the peanuts... Wow. I really hope I don't have nightmares about my nice pastor's mother. Let's just say he and his... flaunty and seductive mother are nothing alike. Whew. What a day... what a day...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tired... tired. But oddly content.

You know how people say that doing something nice for someone makes you feel better? I think that's true. It releases endorphins. And it can just have a domino effect. See, bad things can be a domino effect, but the same is true of people being nice. There are examples of this popping up all over today. So, I watch Danny all day, so my sister cleans the house. Because the house is nice and clean, mom gets us Pizza Hut, with Cinna sticks (rare). Because of that, I watch Danny after dinner to thank her. Because I watched Danny soo much today, Dad did the dishes. And thanked me for helping out the family. And that made me feel really good, so I said thank you for doing the dishes, Dad. And so he smiled and said "No problem, Sherri." Actual quote. Not Sheryl, thank you very much. That's just one example. K came over today and gave me gifts (also for my sister and brother). I was happy, so I invited her in. I guess that's another example. But here's another. I gave people complements, and afterward, I felt better. So I say, if you are feeling bad, either physically or mentally, do something nice for someone. It will better both involved, and it will make the other person more likely to do something nice. People should get this. Like my neighbors that made me get rid of one of my very best friends for good. [long pause, just to let the reader know.] The other day when I was giving my brother a bath, he reminded me. He just looked at me and said, "Serri, we're neber gonna see Beendo again." I nodded. I'm still not back into my room. Wow, I'm kind of up late. Probobly why I'm extremely tired.

My sock has a hole in it...

This is funny

This is just like me and my mom. Well, the whole exaggerating thing.

I also found the one 2 before it extremely funny...

I LOVE Zits!

I'm coming out of the closet: I LOVE breakfast cereal!!!!

So. Finally my brother is ASLEEP! Today was pretty good. Jack and Susan were here alll morning in the bathroom. Doing the plumbing to my parents' sink. Now their bathroom is officially complete! I'd be a lot more excited if my room was ready... But this means that my parents will finally leave my bathroom alone! They will be gone! Wahoo! So then my brother and sister and I all sat down and ate cereal. Which is basically my favorite thing ever. I'd list one of my hobbies as eating cereal. My top favorites are: Frootloops (ultimate fav.), Frosted Flakes, Cap'n Crunch, and Rice Krispies. I'm not too fond of Lucky Charms. Coco Puffs are all right, I suppose. Ha. My sister picked just the right science experiment. She, like me, though not quite as much as me, loves cereal. So she chose to get a bunch of different kinds of cereal, grind it up, run a magnet through it, and see how much iron is actually in it. It's amazing.. it actually works. You can see actual iron filings in the cereal. You are actually EATING that. Crazy. My favorites actually don't have that much. Frosted Mini Wheats has a lot, I think. Anyway.. this morning I was demonstrating my love for Frosted Flakes, and my sister wanted to take a picture. I said "what the heck." So here we are:

Lovely, isn't it? So then we watched the Lion King. Then I made spaghetti, which was pretty much amazing, not to toot my own horn. Ah. Then we ate Chip n' Mint icecream. Ran around some... then I was doing the dishes when a friend came over to give my sister socks, my brother gloves, and me some juggling balls. I was sick and tired of letting complete strangers into my house while not letting my friends in at all, so I showed her the house. That was pretty much my day. Now I'm listening to Pandora and blogging instead of practicing piano, which I realllly should do, considering I never do. I did... the day before yesterday and the day before that. But before that, who knows. I like it, but I don't feel like playing Christmas music, or some unappetizing Mozart song, or boring scales. And that is basically all I have. Huh. Soo.. stall... stall... I suppose I don't HAVE to. That's what I always figure. Uh oh. I hear a noise that sounds suspiciously like a 2 year old yelling to get out of his crib. Maybe it's just the wind. One more pic to inspire/ convince me to practice:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happiness is being barefoot on a soft, new rug.

Arg. Frustration.

Sometimes I realllly wish this blog was anonymous. If it were, I would surely feel much more freedom to actually write what's on my mind. I include a lot to this journal, but it is not a true journal in that I cannot have free reign and type whatever. It's starting to bug me more and more; I just wish I could write anonymously.
New subject. Kind of. I've been thinking, and mysterious people are much more interesting; people like them more. Now, this seems rather "duh," but I mean really. People who do not reveal much about themselves are better off in a lot of ways. They are much more intriguing.
Prime example: My math teacher started off the very first class talking allll about ... herself. She has a website. And it tells a lot. Blatantly. She states her husband's name. She states the fact that she has cats. She sates her cats' names. She tells, if I remember correctly, the church she goes to. She is just a bland person. My English teacher started off the very first class... smiling. And explaining rules. And enthusiastically explaining to the class what we would be doing throughout the year. She has never talked about herself. At all. I look up to that; I sometimes wish I would not be so self-centered. That is the problem. People focusing on themselves and their own needs, instead of focusing on others. Anyway, this lady does not talk about herself. And that's what makes her so interesting. Why does she not talk about herself? Is she merely a nice woman? Why in the world did she move 2000 miles away to the desert from her green state of Virginia? She just provokes all these questions. Her secretiveness is what captivates, makes me want to find out the mystery. I have always enjoyed mysteries. When I was in 2nd and 3rd grade, I was quite obsessed with mysteries. I read every single Nancy Drew book twice over... at least. Hm. Again, hm...
Well, there will always be mysteries. Some huge mysteries. That people will never know. Shouldn't say never. I just don't know. I don't know a LOT.
Like when mom's coming home. Crap. I should probobly pick up this dump.

Clean house = my mother is very happy and very nice.

Messy house = my mother is not happy.

That's how it works around here. Don't ask.. I just live here. Wait. Status update on my sleeping environment: Still in front room. Sigh. I wonder if I will ever get to move back into my room. Here's my current sleeping situation:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Fly a kite.

Get your resolution here.

Just for the record, I'm just wasting time on the internet. I really think new year's resolutions are stupid. I mean, honestly.

Tealin Raintree

I was just looking over a really cool blog thing, by an exceptional drawer/animator, Tealin Raintree. Take a look at just some of her work here:

And from there, you can get to her blog.


Time time time

Kristen, Danny, and I are chillin' at home. It's just us for the rest of the week; mom and dad go back to work. Dan's watching the Backyardigans, Kristen's drawing, and I should be. I am still not in my room. I'll be in the front room for at least a few more days, but it doesn't matter. It's not really that bad. I'm just looking forward to the time when everything will be... settled. Well, good news: my neighbors are now home, and so are Janey's owners. It's kind of interesting. In Janey's house, there are family pictures everywhere. The dad looks remarkably like yilk, the mother is a large Mexican woman, and the baby looks pretty normal. On a different subject, I wonder if Nellie's owners are going to ever pay me. Hm. Well, whatever. It's interesting that I really want to go back to school. I mean, it's nice having a break, but it gives way too much time, and I am horrible with time-management. For example, I got up this morning, took a shower, got dressed, and got sucked into the TV for over an hour. I might have still been there, had my sister not come in carrying my brother. I don't consider myself a TV kind of person, but sometimes a weird thing comes over me, where I can't escape the TV. Anyway, managing my time is not one of my strengths. Also, this... abundance of time gives people time to let their mind wander. Now, thinking is not a bad thing, but dwelling on one thing is not good for a person. Kind of like the song Stuck in a Moment, by U2. Anyway, I am realizing that, it being a new year and all, I would really like some closure, at least as far as a certain subject. Other subjects I am completely uninterested in; some people I just don't want to deal with right now. But as far as this certain subject, I realize that it is completely unresolved, which is kind of affecting a slightly different subject. All of this is most likely just garbled-up nonsense to the reader, but I would just appreciate closure. Some things can just go loose, up in the air, let's-forget-about-it-and-move-on. But, as I look at a picture here on my messy desk, I don't think this is really one of them. But just to clarify things, this isn't critical. I mean, it's not the most important thing ever, but I see no reason why I need to be afraid of asking questions to find out answers. I realize that, in general, I really don't know a lot. And if I want to know something, I can just ask. I mean, really. Where's the harm in that? If I want something, I need to DO something to make it happen. No one got anywhere by being sedentary. So, I'm getting up.

Monday, January 01, 2007

You learn something new everyday

Well, today I learned two new things. One: Dick Van Dyke is still alive. I had no idea; I presumed him to be long dead for some reason. Two: Spider Man 3 is coming out May 4th. Yeah. I went to the movies with my sister today. We saw A Night at the Museum, on a whim. We were going to see a different movie, but changed our minds. I don't know what's wrong with me today. I keep biting my nail. Yes, nail. Singular. I keep mechanically biting one nail. Well, anyway, happy new year for real. I don't know what was up with the clock on blogger. When I posted the happy new year post, it was exactly 12 on my watch, as well as on my computer. *shrugs*