Saturday, January 06, 2007

The most amazing night ever

Amazing! I survived driving home in the snow!! I drove SLOW for once. A lot of people passed me, cough cough..But it's all good. Basically today was the best ever. More later. Much more later. It was great. But basically my day went as such. Got up, ate eggs, ran around with my brother with a "cape" on (AKA a blanket), and he had his on, and pretended to be super heroes. This is crazy and ironic, but my mom officially named him... Super Danny! And me... Super Sherri! It was weird. Well, considering I'd never heard my mom say that, and also she knows nothing of this blog. Anyyway, I then ate cold pizza and went to Lisa's to watch Anything Goes, a musical. I actually really enjoyed it. I don't really like the French woman though...So then I went home for a bit, then went to the most amazing place ever. Actually, it was not the place that was amazing, but the events that took place inside the building. It was amazing, and well, let's just say I nearly wet my pants from laughter. Plus there was this pervert guy there... but anyway, I'm kind of tired. And weirdly hungry, despite all the peanuts... Wow. I really hope I don't have nightmares about my nice pastor's mother. Let's just say he and his... flaunty and seductive mother are nothing alike. Whew. What a day... what a day...

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