Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Okay okay

To make up for skiving off of posting, I'll try and make this post better than my previous few.

First off: Snow day. Normally, I would act all little-kid-ish and yell "yahoo! snow day!!!" when I heard the news... but I simply rolled over in my mountain of covers and went back to sleep. My throat was on fire, and I really didn't feel like celebrating. To tell you the truth, (I risk being beheaded/ disowned by saying this, but..) I'm actually kind of sick of the snow. It's not that I'm totally against it, but today wasn't one of those "magical snow-days" I always used to dream about. Today was kind of a blah kind of day; I would have enjoyed it (sad to say) a LOT more if I was the only one home. But there were 3 other very loud obnoxious people in the house... Yeah. Overall, today wasn't very productive. It's always exciting when there is a in-the-process-of-being-potty-trained 2 year old boy in the house. Let's just say there was an ... episode today in the kitchen, that involved a big puddle, me screaming, and us dragging Danny into the tub and plopping him down in it. Sigh. My sister was actually the most bearable today. My mom broke her nagging record, I'm pretty sure. Even now. Blah blah blah... dishes... blah. I don't mean to be mean, exactly, but it's just something about today. That's why we have school, I've decided. So that we stay sane. If I had to spend every day like this, I think I'd stab something with our big butcher knife. Multiple times. And I would be laughing maniacally.

So, yeah. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, though I suppose today wasn't ALL bad; I got some more bio studying in, and I actually did my homework! As in not BSing for once! I should probobly work on English more, but I was up til 12 last night writing and I don't really feel like working anymore. Actually when I think about it, I didn't feel like working the entire day. I'm pretty surprise I finished my homework. Very surprised. I woke up, groggy and congested at quarter til 7, when I thought we still had school. My parents sleepily mumbled that we had a 2 hr delay. I ate a yogurt and watched TV a little, then went back to bed until whenever. Today I did a lot of nothing.

I am sick. Well, sort of. I'm all sniffly and my throat was killing me this morning when I woke up. I've sneezed a gajillion times today. Sniffle sniffle.

Oh yes. Registration. Perhaps the most humiliating experience ever, the whole experience collectively. Also the most interesting. It started off okay. I spent yesterday studying with K and J for bio, for the test I thought I was taking at 9:30 today. We ate grilled cheese and then I left to pick up my mom. I hung out around her office for a while, talked to a bunch of different doctors (all of whom are extremely nice). Most of them, surprisingly, told me to enjoy my senior year, take it easy. I was very much liking their advice. Then we went to my car, but then my mom ran back because she forgot something. I swung by the front of the hospital and got her, and we went to the highschool. I needed to talk to my advisor or SOMEONE about my whole AP Psych issue (it requires the recommendation of a current history teacher, something I don't have). I should have talked to Ms. O the other day, but hey. Procrastination makes life interesting. So I scrambled around from room to room, looking for her. I poked my head in B-6, where she was supposed to be, but she apparantly left. I stupidly checked her room, but it was locked and dark. Then I ran up to the IMC to talk to Ms. L with my dad. After waiting for what seemed like forever, she was extremely welcoming and very nice, telling me I was a good student that didn't need a recomendation. She said that if any problems arose, I could come back to the IMC, because Ms. B was right there, and she would gladly recommend me. She actually said that! I'm pretty sure she knows I really like Ms. B, but it was just a weird thing to say, you know?

So then it was time for the actual appt. It took a while... Mrs. M was okay, I suppose. My parents met Mr. Y... and my mom really likes him. It's kind of funny.. so now I am enrolled in AP comp sci... and java... and AI. Yeesh. What am I, crazy? Well, at least no homework... I'm also in AP Psych, which ended up not being a problem at all (Mrs. M said that she could just recommend me). I suppose I'm pleased with my schedule... My dad said something was "hosed up." We all stared at him blankly. Who here as even ever heard that expression? No one, right? He is the only person in the universe that uses that expression, and now Mrs. M thinks he's psychotic... Then my dad met my math teacher. Death. And as the finale, my mom and Ms. B met. Well, they had met before at open house and at the XC pasta dinner, but now I think things are a little different. It was pretty cool. My mom agrees she's really nice. And I don't remember why, but Ms. B called me.. what was it.. oh! She called me "the cream of the crop," which was slightly odd but flattering just the same.

Sigh. The 5 day weekend is ending... Hey. At least we only have TWO days of school this week...

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