Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Gah! It seems like an eternity that I've been in here already... I don't know why, exactly. Let me back up. So, today is a very, very sad day; everyone pause for a breif moment of silence. Okay, better. Well, Ms. B. is not here- indeed, she is very sick at home. Allergies can be pretty bad for some people- that's what she has, Juniper allergies. And yes, she's right, they are ugly. So today is a most morose and lugubrious day. Before school I waited a bit outside her darkened, locked room, vainly hoping that she just had car trouble or something. But no. The sub walked up and cheerfully greeted her and I forced my face into what I hoped was a pleasant smile. I made a mistake, though, a few minutes later. I was talking to a friend and was voicing my opinions about Ms. B.'s absense.. and I said, jokingly of course, that I could cry, that today was going to be horrible. The sub apparantly heard me, and I smiled and profusely explained that, no, it wasn't her presence that was bugging me, it was another's absence. Then, quite coincidentally, she was reading the sheet left for her and said, "is anyone here Sherri?", at which point my ears perked up and I said "yes, yes, yes" (I really only said it once, but hey). She asked if I could please copy some worksheet for humanities and I shrugged and complied... but it turns out it was the wrong thing, so then I had to go back and do it right... Went to bio, nothing exciting but that quiz (which I did stupendously awesome on, by the way). After bio, I walked, like always to my favorite classroom ever, and alas, the door was locked. No no no! This door.. I never find it locked. Like, never. Except today. I chilled there a bit, got bored, bugged J in Mr. B's room, went back... still no one. That's chill, I thought, and just stood there for I don't know how long looking at the pictures in her name by the door (not like I haven't ever looked at it before...). After, oh, a half-hour of me just kind of standing there while people walk by asking if I'm alright (Seriously! First the cop, then the nurse, then my advisor, of all people... I mean, all they could see was me looking upset, staring at the concrete wall...), I went to the office. I bugged them for a while, asking for the key to the display case that I was supposed to be filling with projects. What ended up happening is the lady I was supposed to locate offered to give me the key, but I had no way of getting into the room to actually get the projects, so... I left. And came here. And now it is ALMOST time to go. I could have been doing anything at all, really, but no, instead I chose to fiddle around on the computer for a bit, and draw in my sketchbook. I'm actually pretty pleased with what I did... After I while I resolved to go back on the computer, and only then did I think of posting... so I did. Oh woeful day... please go away... Alright, I'm really not THAT upset, as upset as people are thinking today. It's actually slightly amusing. Well, as woeful as today is, tomorrow will be about 8,467 times worse: back-to-back killer math tests. Uh, ouch. Well, today I don't think I'm going to run, and I shall devote at least some time to studying/homework. But now it is lunch and I'm gonna chill in bio, then end up running to computer science at 2 minutes to the bell. I hope she feels better and comes back tomorrow. ... . . ..

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