Monday, March 19, 2007

I'm in computer science right now, sipping weird-tasting water. Hey, at least it's something; I forgot to bring a drink today, so I'll kind of take what I can get. So we just did this weird intense function. I'm copying it here just because I feel like it:

(defun intenseness(z L)
(cond ( (null L) 0)
( (= z (first L)) (+ 1 (intenseness z (rest L))))
(t (+ 0 (intenseness z (rest L)))))

Okay. Boy, that was fun. So now what... well, I guess I should explain why I didn't really post at all yesterday: a) My internet was being all funky, the connection strength was very low, and b) I kind of just didn't really feel like it.

But now I do, as I am quite bored up here in the loft. And, okay, here's the thing: I am also really tired! And I don't know why! I mean, I went to bed at a very reasonable hour (well, okay, 10:30, but that's way earlier than I've been used to going to bed lately) but I still woke up feeling like I could sleep for an eternity. I don't know why I've been so zonked lately. Maybe I should really just go to bed insanely early today and totally skive off my homework. I would relate my day, but I'm supposed to be working on another 'challenge'... maybe at home, I'll write about my day, but honestly I just feel like crawling up, closing my eyes, and letting sleep wash over me.

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