Wednesday, March 14, 2007


So, my finger is bleeding. I just ripped off a hangnail, and it is quite painful. Truthfully, I'm kind of almost numb to the pain because I'm so tired.

Basically here's the run-down. I ended up going to bed at, well, about 3 last night, and this morning I could not get up. It was like I was incarcerated in my mountain of blankets; I knew I needed to get up, but I couldn't will myself to. I finally, finally mustered up the strength to open my eyelids and roll out of bed. It was close to 7:30... and school starts at 8:20. I need to leave my house at 8:00 at the very latest to make it to school on time. I had less than a half hour to get ready. And most of that time I was in the shower, in a comatose state, eyes closed.

It was 8:01 when I finally left, but I miraculously somehow parked, sprinted to English, and made it there before the bell. I ran in, breathless, chest heaving, eyes blood-shot from sleep deprivation and threw my stuff down. I said to Ms. B., still panting, "So basically I got like 4 hours of sleep last night... I'm kind of dead right now." I got a 'aww, poor Sherri' in return and we talked a little bit, but then the bell rang. We did the works cited page.. what fun. That's pretty much all we did today. Oh yes, and she checked note cards. I had 51 out of 50 notecards and 5 source cards out of 4. So that was good, that I managed to finish that last night. After English, I hung around, talked to her about keeping my tennis clothes in her room everyday, and also gave her the memoir that she wanted from me to give to Mrs. P. Oh, but then Brian came in and said, "hey, I really like the drawing taped to the door," and Ms. B. stood back and gestured towards me in a great sweeping motion. Well, then he came over and said, "Nice! High five," and we high-fived. It was kind of goofy.

Oh, but then I went to Precal. I honestly do not want to talk about this, let alone think about it, so I'm really not going to dwell on this class. Basically I got the worst grade ever on any test ever in my life. And, well, the sad thing is I'm not even exaggerating. I want to just camp out in Mrs. S.'s room and protest and bug the crap out of her until she gives us all extra credit. Either that or tie her up and ... well, never mind.

Stats was nothing special. I really don't have much to say about it except we took notes. And that I have a bunch of homework. J and S were passing notes. Well, I gotta say, I really dig taking notes in my sketchbook. It just feels so cool... plus I get to draw on the side.

At lunch we went to juggling, which was pretty cool except for two things: A) I didn't get any pizza because the guys are hogs and they devoured it all (3 boxes, guys? Come on!). B) I could not seem to get the hang of passing between two people. Kelsey and I were trying to get it to work the entire time. Darg, I say, darg!

In, erm, Yearbook, it was really different. It seriously feels like a different atmosphere entirely now. I'm serious; I can't even remember yearbook before. So basically it's looking like the DVD is going to be pretty manageable. I'm the only solo section editor though; but that's okay, it'll be fun. I like my job... and the fact that I have to approve people's 'plans.'

After school I went to tennis again. We drove over, changed at the college, and went over. Everyone was already in a circle. Mrs. W. or whatever actually turned out to be okay; I rather like her. She's so cute, with her little British accent. We did slightly different warm ups/ drills today. Then we worked on returns, then serves, and then we played an actual game. Our team (Amy and I) lost royally, but that's okay. At least now I grasp the concept and the rules involved (at least for the most part). And I actually got some good hits in today.

Dying of thirst, I sped to the library, where I got some water and 'worked' (if by work I mean flipped out my stats, did one problem, then found a book about juggling and looked at that for 40 minutes). Then I drove to the lenten church service/ soup supper thing. I had a bunch of potato soup; it was mighty fine. Then drove home. My sister was being a complete imbusil and then she got mad and proceeded to slap me. And I'm talking full-blown slap, too. Not pansy little "I'm just joking around" kind of slap. She really let me have it. It left a mark. And I was very mad.

Okay, so now I think I really need some actual sleep... I just ate this really weird pop-tart and imed Julie for a while.

My bed... my nice, warm, fluffy, heavenly bed... it's calling me..

My finger stopped bleeding, by the way.

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