Wednesday, March 21, 2007


So get this: Mr. Y is gone, yet again. I was talking to Derek and apparantly he (he as in Mr. Y) has the flu. The poor guy seems to always be sick. He's gone so frequently.. it's insane. Anyway, so I'm sitting here, thoughtfully munching on my apple, trying to ignore the pain in my toe, and contemplating my juggling balls that are splayed thoughtlessly beside me. Basically... I'm doing nothing. I was playing powermanga for a while.. then I got slightly bored with it. Thus, I decided I would do something for the betterment of ... something.. by posting. Ah, well. Today has been pretty chill, I guess that would be an appropriate way to describe it. So I woke up (late), stumbled into the bathroom to get ready, and then I hear my mom saying "bye, guys" and then a door slam. I blinked a few times, dripping wet (I had just stepped from the shower), and then realize that they're going to SF. See, they (my parents, that is) are taking my little brother to an ear doctor, a consultation, really. Primarily they will (or have, I should say, by now..) talk about surgery, but yeah. So I had the house basically to myself (well, and my little sister) in the morning which is cool. I was contemplating dragging out the coffee maker, but then I decided I was already quite late. I left the house atrocious-looking, and mumbled a goodbye to my sister with toast in my mouth. I decided to bypass Starbucks this morning, to prove that I could, and went straight to English. During English, we took notes, for once, on citations in a research essay. So here's Ms. B.'s whole deal, her core, central issue: plagiarism. If she had to pick one thing and one thing only to enforce, it's 'no plagiarism.' She's hard-core when it comes to plagiarism; I've never seen someone so totally strict and persnickity about it. Don't get me wrong; I totally totally agree with her about how completely wrong it is to plagiarize. I've just never seen someone get like that. I suppose it's a good thing. In biology, we went over homework and took notes. Oh yeah, and had a pop quiz that I failed (though not literally, like I did last time..). Student aiding was pretty much amazing. I punched out letters, and I came back and well, we basically just talked the entire time. I made posters for the staff meeting while we just talked and talked. You know, I think that's what I'm really going to miss. Is just talking, one on one, with no one but Ms. B. It's just so peaceful. We went to go hang up posters in the Speech Theater, and then walked back to the room where we defiled and disected students' projects. I got to keep a bunch of little toy cars that I'm giving to my brother, and we talked a lot about kids. Lunch was just blah. Not even worth mentioning. Besides, now the bell is about to ring. Tennis, here I come.

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