Monday, March 12, 2007


I'm not going to say that today was necessarily "lugubrious," I just really like that word. I felt a tad lugubrious at key points today... but at other points things were totally fine. I did some pretty weird things in the morning in my sleep apparantly, because I found my alarm clock in my backpack. Now tell me.. how does this happen?? I haven't the faintest idea, but I do remember holding my alarm clock with me in my bed and then shutting it off.

Anyway... I went to school, resisting the call of Starbucks (a. I was broke and b. I was already kind of late-ish). I talked to Ms. B. a little bit. It's kind of cool, but I feel a bit, well, odd just walking in, saying "hey" with a slight wave, and she smiles and starts, "So how was your weekend, Miss Sherri?" I mean, I like it, yes, but I feel kind of, I suppose guilty would be the word to describe it, but it's not exactly that. Like, when other students from my class file in and say hi, she smiles at them or says hello distractedly. I guess it would be just better if no one else were in the room. I mean, I feel completely fine just talking, blah blah blah, with her, conversing about whatever, during student aide. It's just a bit weird when I'm sitting in class talking with her, when I should be doing work. Well, whatever. She doesn't care, even gives me excuses to not do work (talks to me, hands me papers to hand out). I ended up actually a lot done, surprisingly. I think it's something about the IMC; I just find it extremely hard to do research in there. I much prefer sitting at my familiar, friendly desk in the front of Ms. B.'s classroom..

Oh yeah, one thing I should mention I suppose, is the death of a student at our school. I always feel very weird when I get news like that, and my imagination for some reason just reels. I imagined, though I don't know why, if it were the principal announcing some other death, like a friend's or even my own. I wondered if people in the class would be reacting differently...or if Ms. B. would be really sad. I mean, that would be the weirdest, most awful thing, to have one of your friends die. Such a short life. I mean, teenagers tend to feel invincible, 'something like this could never happen to me or affect my life' kind of deal. The reality is that, well, we really don't know when we could die. (And, yes, I realize I should not joke about the matter). Anyway, I wish his family the best and all...

Precal was alright, I suppose, especially because Mrs. S. decided to be really amusing today again. This time it wasn't about her sucking her teeth or tongue or whatever she does; it was about 2 things. So first, I dropped my black pencil. She picks it up, studies it for an eternity, looks sort of bemused and says, "hey, did anyone lose a pencil?" I say, "Oh. yeah, that's mine..", reaching out my hand for it, expecting her to just give it to me and we would both move on in our mundane lives. But no, she decides to spice things up and doesn't hand it to me. Instead she says, "Are you sure ya want this? Merbine Black Warrior?" I'm slightly confused for a second, and then take the pencil from her and realize that 'Merbine Black Warrior' is written on it. And then she walked away and laughed. It was slightly insane. It's really not that great of a story, but hey, it's some excitement. A few minutes later when everyone was silent, working on homework, she suddenly blurts, "Has anyone here seen the movie Norbert?" And no one even looks up or makes any sort of indication that they heard her. Silence... silence.. and then she says, a bit quieter and less emphatic, "Well, I heard it wasn't a good movie, anyway..." She faded off, and still no one said anything at all. It was just a weird experience; I know Julie and I took great pleasure in the strangeness of it all.

Stats was amazing amazing. Not the 'all we have to do is goof around' kind of amazing, nor the 'no homework' kind of amazing. It was the 'I just got a miracle handed to me' kind of amazing. I thought I really didn't do all that hot on the test that we took just last time, but I was apparently wrong, as I just got the highest score I think I've gotten in that class on a test ever. Certainly this semester... So, that was a good thing. And then we took notes (I decided to take them in my sketchbook, because I already had it open, showing people some drawings...{of Ms. B's boyfriend, but let's not go there..}). I drew, well, right on top of my notes, sorta, a picture of Mr. P. It doesn't look terribly like him, but it doesn't look terrible either. I rather like it... I showed it to him, and he said it was "silly," but that it was a good drawing though.

At lunch we really did nothing for once... for once we went to Sarah's mom's room and just kind of ate. We attempted to go outside, but the doors would just lock behind us, so we stayed in.. and talked about tennis. Particularly, we talked about my joining tennis, which it looks like I'm going to do. I'm actually pretty happy; I do indeed like being in a sport. There's just a slight problem... that is, I don't actually know how to swing a racket or even know the rules (probobly something I shouldn't be admitting to, but..). I will learn, though, I will learn. And from what J and L say, Cindy is very nice. So that was lunch.

In yearbook, hm. Well, it didn't really feel like yearbook. Now that the yearbook is done, our partner/group things have dissipated, and things generally feel out of wack. I myself felt rather useless, and out of place, kind of. I, for the majority of the time, actually, helped Becky with the t-shirt design. I know that it was just brainstorming, that we weren’t actually doing anything concrete here, but I’m not quite sure she really understands the ramifications of getting excited about one particular design, and actually already designing it (which she is). I’m worried she won’t like change. But really, all of staff should have input. I mean, I have my own idea… which she stated simply as “nice idea, but it’s too expensive.” Well. So now it’s time to really focus on next year, and basically I’m ‘lugubrious’ at the fact that I cannot be editor because of the whole free-period thing. I don’t know.. I just feel kind of like I should, but can’t. Oh well. It’s done. It’s over. But, like I stated in my little assignment due today, I really really want to help, and I plan on helping out all I can.

So then I drove home, with Kelsey. That was a tad lugubrious, too. Well, not really, just weird. And now I’m home, and I have a very bad headache. I’m trying to find that stupid little CD for bio, so I can study, but I can’t. I hate it how I get headaches; it drives me insane. I guess I’m just going to go read the bio chapter. My house is never, ever quiet though, I just want to add that in there. My brother is running around in his superman underwear and yelling, my mom is bickering and pleading saying, “someone watch him,” and my sister is banging away on the piano, like always. That’s a classic scene at my house. And I go, ‘typetypetypetypetype’ on my computer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, it seems like you have a big talent in writing.