Sunday, March 04, 2007

So, my parents are at the store and I'm here listening to music. I finished my precal, for once. And when I say finished, I mean actually finished. I think I might go in early tomorrow, actually. So, I dragged myself out of bed, stumbled into the car for church, and came home. K, J and I went for a run, a longer one this time; we went on the trails. I feel better when I'm running now. I'm actually pretty happy with running and I want to do XC next year, I'm thinking. I want to just run, run, run to the ends of the earth. Run all the way to Virginia or something. But seriously, I wonder how I'd do there. JMU, once an all girls school, and once primarily a teacher school, is very arts based, and that equates to very little required math and science classes-- a very good thing, from my point of view. Well, we'll see. For now, I just have to concentrate on the present, because what happens now shapes what will happen tomorrow or next year. So. Tomorrow. I do some more math tonight, go to bed rediculously early, wake up spankin' ("I wouldn't use that terminology if I were you...") early, eat some breakfast, perhaps?, go to Starbucks, maybe, and buy a TALL White Mocha... And talk before school to Ms. B. about student aiding and things in general. Oh yeah, I should bring in The Time Traveler's Wife... though it's not the sort of book you'd really want to let your English teacher know that you read... Ok. Now I shall go shuffle off to my room and do some stats. I can still salvage everything, just you wait..

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