Sunday, March 11, 2007

N.A.P. (not again, please...!)

Darg! No no no! Alright, so basically I just got up. I was taking a much-needed nap, apparently. I did it again… that is, I left my contacts in (and, you know, it’s not really the best thing..). I've been doing this lately. I really need to stop it. So now what?? I missed everything by just conking out. I slept on and on and on and on... And now I’m wide-awake. Well, sort of… I guess I’ll just have to catch up with everyone tomorrow. I feel really bad about it, but I needed sleep. I didn’t even mean to take a nap (obviously, eh, since I woke up shocked and annoyed with myself that I had left my contacts in). Luckily, I got my yearbook thing done. Oh yeah, and right now I’m very, very cold. Crap Crap Crap. I really screwed up my whole sleeping schedule now, with my staying up late watching movies and staying up late at the Kiwanis Auction. (Yay we made lots of money for Key Club). Not to mention the whole daylight savings thing. I remembered it, thankfully, because I was actually up at 2 am when the time did change. I don’t know what possesses me to stay up till wee hours of the night just wasting time on the computer. But I do. Oh, I do. I don’t know what’s going to happen now, but I guess I should try to go back to bed, even though that’s where I just came from. Hooo. Okay. It’ll all be chill. Tomorrow I’m going to go in to English and talk to Ms. B (dare I talk about the purple binder?) and do research. And then the maths (which I completely completely did, thank you). And thenn yearbook, where I will turn in my honkin’ assignment and work on stuff, though I don’t yet know what. Wow, I’m really cold. I guess I’m going to go.

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