Monday, March 12, 2007

A few spoutings

I'm really quite bored of studying bio (though I should probably really be attempting to cram all that knowledge into my tiny, incapable brain), so I thought that I would come here and give a smattering of random thoughts. I shall type them as they come to me. Ahemm, let's see.. Well, first of all, blisters are very annoying. I have two, both on my left foot, and they are painful, especially the one on my big toe. They are, I presume, from wearing fancy shoes for hours and hours and hours at that Kiwanis Auction this weekend. Next off, I desperately wish I had a scanner. If I had a scanner, I would be able to scan in drawings from my sketchbook, and that is something that I really really would like to be able to do. Really. My parents actually do have a scanner, but there are problems that arise.. First of all, it's complete trash; it really is not a very good scanner. The HP scanners at school seem much more competent. Sigh. Alright, let's see.. also, I wish I had some sort of device to kind of pause time, so that I could study all I need to (which is, I feebly admit, a lot. I need to at least read the flippin' chapter..) and also get sleep. It would be amazing to freeze time. Time is perhaps the single most intriguing concept, at least to me. I could go on and on, but I should not bore the reader. Another random thought, my pants, the ones I am wearing right now, are severely ripped. They are ripping more and more with each wear. I love these jeans; they're basically my favorite article of clothing.. alas they are not invincible miracle pants, which means they are really starting to deteriorate. And it saddens me. What to do, what to do? Should I keep wearing them as often as always, or should I start wearing them more rarely, wisely, sparingly, saving all that precious wear? I will most likely end up doing the former. More spoutings... let's see.. Here's an interesting note, though many (all?) will not find it interesting, as you are not me. What I mean is this: My little brother, I have only recently realized, is really growing. Profound statement, eh? I'm serious, though. He's not the baby he once was; I mean, he understands a lot now. It seems as if one second he was the gurgling drooly blob of pink flesh in a diaper, and I blinked and now he is this intelligent, bright blue-eyed tallish human. It's amazing how he's developing intellectually. He says the alphabet (almost, anyway) and randomly counts. Here's an example: I was outside in the sandbox with him, and we hear these birds in the sky making, you know, birdish sounds. I say to him, "Hey, what are the birds doing?" And he looks up and kind of shrugs and says, "Well, the birds are flocking." Flocking??? How does he even know that word? I'm just kind of shocked at how different this kid is getting. I like it, don't get me wrong.

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