Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I don’t really have a lot of time, as I’m about to leave to go back up to town, but here’s my little day’s ramblings: First and foremost, IT IS FOOKIN’ COLD! It’s so windy and cold… and I’m NOT exactly enjoying it. I want it to be spring… summer, even. Well, kind of. I’m really going to miss certain classes from junior year. Like, a lot. But hey, no worries, right? Because we still have two 6 weeks left. Besides the stinging cold, today was actually the best day yet this week. Well, sort of. So, for testing, today was Social Studies, right? And everyone finished like 2 whole hours early, and yeah, they had to keep us incarcerated for almost the whole time. I guess we did get to leave a little early… then at lunch we went to film society. That was pretty cool. Student Aiding was cool. Extremely insanely cool, because all she did was dish out compliments of my memoirs. It was amazing; it made me feel great. I guess my hard work did pay off. Then she told me she wanted to recommend me for this scholarship thing for poetry… In Comp Sci I programmed, yadda yadda. After school I typed up this thing about Ms. W, because she’s retiring apparently. Ok, out.

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