Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sick sick sick

I am sick.

Yesterday I went home after first period (English). My voice was extremely hoarse, and my throat was killing me. But I went to school anyway, because of my precal test that I did not want to miss. I realized I really should not take a test when I feel like crap. Ms. B said I should go home right away. She told me, 'Sherri, if you were my daughter, I'd tell you that you need to go home and rest.' So, after English (we had a discussion, by the way. Not the best thing when your throat is on fire), I borrowed Ms. B's phone and called mom. I sped home, feeling ready to just crash in my bed. I got home, slept for a long time, and then I had to go back up to LA for a doctors appt. that my mom had made for me. I don't have strep, I just have a croup-like thing. Well, I thought I was sick yesterday. This morning I woke up with a really high fever (I didn't have a fever at all yesterday). I drank some tea and took two Ibuprofen, and took a nap. I woke up drenched in sweat but feeling a lot better. I took a shower, talked to K on the phone a little, and now I'm here.

I'm so frustrated though!!! I realllllllly wanted to see Topper Review this year! I don't know if I'm going yet, but it's kind of unlikely, since I still have a slight fever. And a cough and sore throat. Arg. I hate being sick.

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