Tuesday, February 20, 2007

In comp sci

Apparantly Mr. Y is still sick. So, we get to just chill. And that would be very very good and very verrry nice, if the person beside me would just be quiet. Yes, he's right here beside me. And no, he won't look over here. I'm not trying to be mean here, but the guy is seriously getting on my nerves. I'm kind of trying to ignore him. He's looking at pictures of cats. Yeah, you heard me. Cats. And he keeps showing them to me! He will not shut up. Right now I'm hating cats. Why does there have to be so many cats in the world? Wait, scratch that. The cats are fine. The stupid people that put the stupid pictures up are the ones I hate right now. Wait. Scratch that. I really only hate this dude's big mouth. Hm. Yeah. He doesn't even notice. Arrgh! Well, I'm going to really try hard to ignore him yet be nice.... Deep breath.... Okay. Yeah, he's not hurting anyone. He just keeps rambling about funny pictures of cats, doing apparantly funny things. And most have apparantly hillarious captions. Well, I suppose I'll jot down a few points from my day. In English we took a quiz; it was a nothin-special quiz, but I spiced things up a bit by drawing a picture to go along with every question. Hm. Then we did a peer-review thing. Bio? Uh, yeah... at least the test is over. I spent almost all of student aiding making a power point presentation of the photographs of Andre Kertez. He's actually really amazing. One thing that really stands out to me personally is his use of shadow. I love some of his pictures with shadow. Some of his photographs are ... quite odd. He does a lot of nudity... And well, this is interesting: Ms. B, when I got back to the classroom, told me she wanted to show me one of her favorite photographs. She looked for it, and couldn't find it. And so I told her to just describe it. She just said that it wasn't very appropriate for school. I gave her a weird look, and she smiled and went on to describe that it was just some guy (actually Andre Kertez's brother) jumping off a cliff or something. Anyway, that was student aiding. Now she's in some English teacher meeting, and she was telling me how these meetings are so incredibly dull. And she, ha ha, told me how she didn't read the big packet she was supposed to... oops..Went to bio for lunch; it was basically blah. So now I'm in computer science, and there is still a distant yammering in my ear. I'm pretty sure he's just talking to himself now. Heh heh. Yess, I finally shook him. I'm dreadfully bored, but I suppose that at least I'm doing something (this). So. Plan: twiddle my thumbs for the next 45 minutes and basically just waste time on the computer. Meet my mom after school and go home. Practice piano... sorta. Bumble through Precal and stats. Then... read!! I'm so upset I left my book at home! The Time Traveler's Daughter is really getting addicting. It's so weird. I'm going to bring it tomorrow to school... that is if I don't finish it. It probobly wasn't the wisest decision, but I stayed up til.. 2? 3? I dunno. Something like that. I stayed up late reading... now my eyes are all red. And this lack of sleep might be partly why I am developing a pounding headache. It might just be the yamming idiot (sorry!) beside me. I don't know. Alright. I'm done.

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