Thursday, February 08, 2007


A days never fail me. I didn't post yesterday, did I? Hm. Oh well. I guess I just didn't have anything interesting to.. Wait one second! I did have interesting things happen to me yesterday! Pre-cal was amazing... It was Mrs. S's birthday yesterday, and the entire Men's Ensemble came in and sang happy birthday. That was pretty cool. And she kept saying profound, and that made me snicker uncontrolably again... In Stats, things were even more interesting! Mr. P screamed. Loudly. And the class was pretty rambuncious (sp?). Also, I snuck out at 12:20 to go meet my mom in the parkinglot, to get my classring stuff that I forgot. Well, she also had gotten food for me (I didn't have a lunch either), and she told me to stuff it in my shirt. I ended up running back to Stats with my classring packet and check, as well as french fries hidden in my sweatshirt. Yeah. That was great. Yearbook was pretty cool too. Let me just tell you people. You are going to love the last page of the yearbook. Just trust me.
Now for today. Like I said earlier, A days never fail me. Today was no different. I had an amazing day. I'm in comp sci; we just watched Star Wars. Bio was fine, I guess. Student Aiding? Impecable. We talked the entire time. It was really cool.

1 comment:

klc said...

It's not quite the last page... 274-275, so just befor the index. But the very last page is going to rock, too as long as I finish it by tomorrow.