Monday, February 05, 2007

Irked and over-worked

I am irked. In several ways. One, ArcaMax publishing isn't putting any new Zits comics up; they're just using archaic comics (and they're not even that good in my opinion). Come on-- bring on the recent stuff! They've just been putting out these old comics for a while now. It's starting to bug me. Here's the link, by the way.
Another thing: Today has been generally good, but there were these little jabs throughout the day that got to me. Like in English when everyone, including me, was being chicken, not wanting to answer her question (dealing with some odd poem or another). I just really didn't know. Turns out it really was as simple as I thought it couldn't possibly be; I was over-analyzing (as I am wont to do recently..) and was making it much more difficult than it actually was. Arg. That was just frustrating and pathetic.
Then in Pre-cal (this actually wasn't that bad, I was just mad at myself for it), I was in a weird mood... I broke into a laughing fit and I couldn't stop. At all. For the life of me. I tried, but I only laughed harder and harder. And people began to notice. Ah, I love sitting where I sit, but maybe it's not the best thing. I can't contain myself. The whole reason I was laughing in the first place was one of J's comments...
And then came a severely annoying almost painful jab... the stats test. I can only cross my fingers and eyes and t's and hope for the best. Ick.
Yearbook was okay, though I really didn't get what I wanted to do done. I'll just do it next time.
Meanwhile, tomorrow I will be better. Won't spontaneously burst out snickering in any class (I hope). Won't clam up and not say anything in English, while she stares around the room and at me, her eyes pleading, "Say something for Pete's sakes! Come on, people." Won't totally BS a stats test.
Instead, I'll be warm and cheery and couth and cavalier and charming and witty and ... enthused (eat that, Lina). And I won't won't won't forget about that math test I'm taking during biology. Psh. Great. One more time I'll be forced to be in Shockey's room more than I usually am... I need the extra credit, basically.
Yeah, got off on a little tangent. Now for the one last thing that irked me/ is irking me. Yeah, you guessed it, the H word (homework...). I've got a bunch of reading in West With the Night (which I'm not actually enjoying so far, which is rather uncharacteristic of me this school year. Sherri not enjoying a book for English? No! Not possible!), and a reading quiz tomorrow. And bio... not to mention pre-cal. It's really not that much, per se, it's just the fact that it's so stupid and pointless. Oh yeah, that reminds me (somehow..); I'm going to ask Ms. B. tomorrow if she is existentialist. She named her dog Kierkegaard, for Pete's sake. hm...
Okay. I think I need some ice-cream, to cool my brain and mouth and temper and thoughts. That's what I'll do.

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