Thursday, February 22, 2007


Yeah. I'm tired, first off. Well, I deserve it; it's my own fault. I was up til 1:30 reading tTTW. It's not suspenseful in the least... I don't even know why I'm so drawn to it. It is honestly the weirdest and most confusing thing ever. Some parts I actually try and sort out and make sense of, but other parts I just thunder on through because they're just too complicated. Mostly it's time-travel stuff, which is something that I've really always been intrigued by. Ahem. So yeah, anyway, basically, today's just a tired day, a "I just wish it was Friday" kind of day. Which it almost is... We had a discussion in English. Know what I hate about discussions? I hate it when no one talks. There are many different types of silence, content silence, awkward silence, library silence... Well, the silence that encompassed my English classroom this morning was.. hm.. stifling silence, choking silence. Like we were all slowly suffocating. So, naturally, I just opened my fat mouth and blurted out something to make that silence go away; Ms. B just looked pleadingly around the circle at every countenance. This happened several times. Well, I suppose that it was better today than other times. Today people had deeper things to say; we went far beyond the reading. It was this packet of stories taken from Other Electricites, by the way. Ms. B told me later in student aiding that she thought that the discussion went well. Okay, then. In bio we listened to good ol' Mr. T the whole time. If it was any other teacher just lecturing the whole entire flippin' class period, I'd certainly get bored and start making a house out of my pencils or something, but I really rarely glance up at the clock at all when I'm in there. S. A. was pretty chill, I hung up student work and chatted a bunch. Yeah, pretty cool. Lunch was Key Club... and that reminds me of something I will be doing later on in, oh, say... 20 minutes? Key Club elections for next year. Yeah. Part of me is very apprehensive and worrying, but that part of me is, I think anyway, being overridden by that part of me that's saying, "Hey, it's okay. It's chill. I'll just go up there and say a few things. This is not a huge-o deal." Hm. I suppose I'll just work my way down (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian..). I mean, what's the worst that can happen, anyway? I go there and say my bit (completely off the cuff, of course) and, in the end, I don't get elected for that thing. Or anything. Eh. So, for the first hour or so of Comp Sci I read blogs; some were quite interesting. Kept me awake, anyway. The techno in here is kind of lulling me, in a way though. I don't actually understand why I'm so dead tired.. I mean, I feel like I did the time I carelessly pulled an allnighter on a schoolnight. I honestly feel like I could bang my head down on the keyboard here and leave it there and soon I'd be snoring peacefully... But NO! I'm not going to do that. No. No no no. Instead, here's what I'll do. Okay. Chill out for a few more minutes here. Go to Key Club elections and do my schpeal, while trying not to say "um." Drive home, hoping fervently all the way that the little gas I have in my tank will get me home. Crash.... not my car, hopefully! I meant on my bed. "Do" stats and precal, and maybe perhaps study for that foul quiz. Do a few other things around the house, and then jump into my niiiiice, warrrrm bed. Wake up and survive duller than dull classes tomorrow. This week has been pretty... huh. Cannot for the life of me come up with an appropriate word. I suppose different would suffice, but it really doesn't cover it nearly enough. I really wouldn't say a bad week (oh, beleive me, I've had worse), but... Well, if one aspect of my life is messed up, wonked out, it affects all the other parts of me, too. Ag. I'm not perfect. No one is. I'd just like it if everyone in the world would lighten up, take it easy, chill out. I just want to say sorry to everyone and everything that I've ever ever in any way done harm to...

Life's complicated.

I'm so tired... so tired..... of it all...

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