So, I finally got the snow pictures on my computer! The stupid battery was dead. But no longer! So I'll put those up. Today was okay, I guess. English was pretty sweet but I kind of wanted to make our myth better (we had to write about how evil came about. I had this great idea involving a huge implsion and... yeah). Precal I don't even want to talk about. At all. So I won't. Stats was relatively lame. Key Club... can't complain. Then in yearbook I had to call a bunch of people to buy senior ads. Boy was THAT fun. On a more interesting note, my life is not boring. What I mean is: most people have relatively sane households; most houses of highschoolers are more or less quiet and calm. Mine, however, is quite the opposite. For example, right now my 2 year old brother is running around the house stark naked (he has recently taken to ripping off his clothes by "magic" {that's what he calls it} and running through the now bare halls). And here he is: 5jmkgylbnnmmcccccccccccccccccccccccctttttttsavbjnjj mbcder v. I wonder if there is some subconcious message in that. Anyway. My sister is banging away on the piano (Supercalifragalisticexpialidocious). And my mother is talking to my dad who is picking up a shower from Espanola. So anyway, my life is kind of ridiculous. Oh, thought of something else. The career thing that I took yesterday, that Bridges thing, said I was "out going, enthusiastic, and spontaneous...I am up for new experiences... I have a vivid imagination...people find me fun to be around." Also, "my curiosity distracts me, and I probably find that staying organized is one of the hardest things to do. " Now that is
quite true. Aight, now I'm fresh out of interesing things to say. So here are some pics!

Aww, look at poor frozen Buster. He's a Pup-scicle!

My brother and I enjoying the snow!

My now almost bare door. :(

My brother (surprisingly dressed). Notice the unique "one snowboot" style.
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