Happy December to all. Today is Sweater Day, by the way. If you're not wearing a sweater, well, you're just not showing true December 1st spirit. Now I'm iming Kels and working on English (what else is new?). Now I'm gonna practice, then Kels and I are going to the Pasta Dinner. I should probobly wash the green target off my forehead first, though. Long story... And another little weird tidbit: my 4 personality letters are ENFP...exactly the same as a friend's... Check out a few cool pieces of art. 2 are mine, and 1 is Paul's. He's the dorkiest person I have ever met, and he's a freshman. But he's so cute in both his speech and mannerisms! Like dorky kid cute. He's nice too. Anyway, here they are:


this is Paul's!

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