Ahhh. My fingers are tingling and I’m typing about a million words per minute. Actually, I lied. Typing a million words per minute is inhuman. Anyway, my point is that I’m excited to be back here typing again. It’s been, what… 4 days? Yeah. It’s a long involved ridiculously stupid story so I won’t trouble you with it, but basically my …computer rations were severely cut these past few days. In other words, I had basically no computer these past four days. But whatever; I survived. Let’s move on. So. So much to say! I don’t know if I’ll cover it all! I know that I had a lot of things I wanted to say over these past few days, but I foolishly didn’t write any of it down on scraps of paper, thus all of my wonderful fantastic ideas flew out of my brain. Like SIN flew out of SATAN’s brain in PL! I realllllly like that book; it’s pretty much amazing. (And, yes, I do say “amazing” increasingly more often, Kels.) So, a few random thoughts from the day, in no particular order, really. First a list of what I still have to do tonight. Precal’s done so…I need to finish this blog, eat (chicken I believe), take my sister to basketball practice, finish my English, practice piano, and go to Smiths and buy some chocolate, among other boring things not worth mentioning. So. First I’ll do the first thing, which is finish this blog. So where was I? Oh yes. Random snitches and bits and pieces from my day. Well, at Julie’s (Oh drat I forgot to take those diapers from Julie’s house!!), we ate beef jerky, which was quite an interesting experience, as I had never actually eaten it before. I was warming to the taste and the idea of eating this fibery flavored dry…stuff, when Kelsey mentions that it is like eating scabs. I immediately was, er, grossed. Kind of interesting. Speaking of interesting, I saw something interesting. Get ready to be blown away by the absurdity of this. (Actually it’s not actually that great, don’t be too disappointed). So anyway, I was walking to my car (this wasn’t today, it was a few days ago) and I saw a gentleman in his vehicle. He was driving, driving in the opposite direction I was going, so I got a pretty good glimpse of him. And what he was doing. And he was (this middle aged dude with dorky glasses) driving down the road with one hand on the steering wheel, like any normal person. But his other hand was clamped around his nose. The man was driving while holding his nose. Now answer me…why?! If the man was smelling some…horrible odor, he could have easily just opened a window. Or something. Now maybe he had a bloody nose or something. But he’d have a tissue or something. Right? It was just odd; I’ll stop going on about this poor man. So, as for the rest of my day, it was ok. At least it wasn’t really boring. And to stick with that idea of not being boring, I’ll quickly relate my day, only backwards. Oh ho. (Pretty much because first was extremely interesting.) So SAT was okay…we played Jeopardy (our group made a killer comeback; our net score was 0 [and we never actually got into the positive points…]) and then musical chairs, which was more than highly amusing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. So then at lunch, things were kinda crazy; to make a long story short I got a bunch of green highlighter marks all over me, and Afsheen almost hit some lady in the back with the highlighter. Oh boy. Health was okay, not extremely boring. I touched a condom for the first time…even if it was only for a split second when I flung it on Lisa’s desk. (The college student that came to talk to us said everyone had to touch it). She was pretty interesting, more so than Hipwood, I think. Moving on. Or backwards in time. Whichever. Bio was okey dokey. We finished the Calvin cycle. I talked with Mr. Thurston about the origins of the word “discombobulated.” Fun stuff, really. So in English, I got there way early, btw, we read the latter part of book 2. It was quite possibly the most interesting thing I’d ever read (maybe it was the way Ms. Baas passionately read it). For a lot of it, I was in the back of the room hanging up student work. [Sarah told me as I walked by her grinning, “Sherri, I’m going to get you a leash for Christmas, because you are SO the teacher’s pet.”] It was pretty amazing, and I very much agree with Ms. Baas when she said that Milton is a genius, basically. The dude wrote all this gold, in Blank Verse, while he was blind. Honestly. So basically what happens is (this is horrifying and disturbing and gross; maybe that’s why it’s so cool and intriguing): Before Satan and the demons get thrown out of Hell, they’re all sitting around and talking and stuff, and Sin, this pretty woman bursts forth out of Satan’s mind. At first he’s all “Woah! WTF?” but after a while he gets used to Sin. Then he basically, over time, becomes enamored with her, and they, er… have sex. So then she becomes pregnant. Meanwhile, allll the demons are thrown out of Heaven and placed in Hell. Sin is placed at the gateway into/out of Hell. Eventually it comes time for her to give birth, and her offspring gnaws its way out, completely tearing and ripping her entrails. (So her whole bottom half is reconfigured and turned into serpent-like scaly yucky tails). Death, this horrible thing she gave birth to, immediately is born a killer (he’s born holding a dagger). The first thing he does is to chase Sin, his mother, and rape her. Yikes. So she gives birth, day after day after day, to these evil Hell Hounds, who constantly encircle her. Except when they are angry, they go up inside her womb again and start gnawing at her from the inside. Isn’t this CRAZY?? But this is all an allegory, that’s what makes it so amazing. Anyway, this is long enough. But I daresay I should add a few pictures, at least. So here we go. Let’s just hope tomorrow is this interesting. Sigh.

"The Thinker"

Awesome picture taken by Julie.

Another cool picture taken by Julie!
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