So right now I’m about to go to bed. I just got back from babysitting a cute kid named Ian. He is 3 months old. I had totally forgotten how docile and helpless 3 mo old babies are. Today was spent, well. Let me start from the beginning. I woke up at like 9:15 to the sound of my parents voices as well as Jack and Susan’s voices. (Jack and Susan are the people who are doing the bathroom, which is now almost finished! They are over at the house a lot). So I lay in bed thinking about yearbook stuff for like a half hour, and came up with some pretty cool ideas for drawings. At quarter ‘til 10, I figured I should probably get up, so I bounded out of bed, leaped across the floor, flung open the door, and there was Susan, walking by. I think I scared her. “Good morning,” I said weirdly (I had my retainer in still) and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. And it is extremely weird to take a shower when you know that just inches away is some guy banging around in my parents’ closet. Anyway, I was extremely happy: no piano lessons today. Then I spent hours and hours doing my stupid college hunt, and finally finished. It is 50 some pages long. Wow. Mr. Baca, I hope you’re happy. I just killed a whole bunch of trees, just so I could get a stinking good grade on the stinking final. But I’m pretty happy now… I don’t have to go to the final. And boy, let me tell you, I am NOT going. After that I spent a significant amount of time doing English. I had so much trouble getting started! This essay didn’t flow nearly as well as my previous one, nor as well as I’d hoped. But it is now finished, and that’s what’s important. I need to get, like, above a 40 to get an A in that class; I’m not too worried. What I am worried about (and probably should be) is Pcal, Stats, and Bio. (In order of how much I need to study, bio being the least.) Ick. Even though it seems as if I am completely a “panic-er,” I really am pretty chill. Just gotta study and stuff tomorrow. Well, so then I went to Sara’s house and met her crazy wolf dog with scary eyes. The dog is named Nellie. The dog bit my chin. I don’t really like Nellie. Then I went to go chill with my homie Ian. And I ate a ton of caramel popcorn… Sorry no pics yet! ( I will TRY and get my poor sister to smile… heh heh…) Over and out. Bed, here I come.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
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