Yeah, so, like the title says, I'm a weirdo. I'm doing my bio on the comp. So far I have my name... but I will do my bio. Really. No joke. I just gotta..think. So, yeah, today was pretty sweet. I was acting kind of like a spazmoid in Stats; I like that class cuz Plewa really doesn't care... Lawrence and his friends went outside to play frisbee, I think. Anyway, yeah, Stats was sweet. Julie, lol, is sooooo cute and funny. Um, yeah, Yearbook was basically sweet and awesome and I feel like I climbed a mountain, I accomplished such a feat. (sp? I guess its feat... it's not feet...) Um yeah. The school is scary at night. And then driving home Kels and I smelt Propane.. apparantly two planes hit or something. Yeah. Intense. So.. I'm actually trying to do my bio now... It's uh, pretty tough, ..I kinda can't really do it.. esp. not on the computer. Oh well. Tomorrow's gonna be sweet though. English is gonna be pretty boring for the next few weeks, because of the fact that I read Animal Farm way in advance...Baas doesn't know yet..I don't wanna like stand on top of a desk and scream at the top of my lungs "I read the book in one night, just like YOUU, because you're AMAZING!!!" Yeah. Wouldn't really work. So, for now, I cannot decide if my life is going to lull into monotonous (wow monotonous is a monotonous word, man) nothingness, or if my life is going to be even crazier now that I am in no way, shape, or form tied to anyone. Really. I'm hoping for a pleasant mixture between the two, but now I've got J and C to think about, haha. They need to get out of my dreams though... So, I'm sitting here (stalling very very much) staring at this Sonic Card I won (wooooooooooo!), and I'm kinda thinkin I should use it. I stole a fry from Simone today at lunch (they actually weren't hers..) and it was mighty fine. Yeah, I'm thinkin I should go to Sonic sometime. I only go there with Kels and her family. Yeah. Man, I need another pic. Like the opa balloon one... wait phone...
back, it was just my sister's stupid friend. Hey, know what? It just hit me that I think it was around this time last year that I got my first blog. yoshiwerd. Yesterday was my 'rents anniversary. ok, pic..

kristen, my cousin julia, cousin tommy, danny, me, Dziadzio (my mom's dad), and big psyco Jon. At the park. What a bunch. aren't we sweet?
1 comment:
Your title for this post totally fits! You pretty much are a weirdo...but we love you anyway! I think you should scream out that you read the whole book tomorrow. I'd laugh--almost as hard as I did today when she totally dised you when you said hello!
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