So. I haven't really said much about what happened to Bingo. Yuck. As soon as I typed that I got a yucky feeling and I realized I really don't want to talk/ write about it. But the quick run-down is this: On Sat., my family drove to Santa Fe, waited in some desolate parking-lot for a long time, and then a rather... eccentric lady came in a blue Toyota truck to pick up my dog. She smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, and talked to us for a while. Then she locked her keys in her car. The window was open a few inches. My sister had to stick her hand in the tiny opening and somehow miraculously unlock the door. She did it. So then after a lot of nonsense gibber-gabber, Trish (the eccentric, drunk, smoker) took my dog away. By the way, she has 20 beagles at her house. Twenty. Wow. So then FFW to yesterday? Yes.
So yesterday there were 2 men in my house, banging nonstop. One was a rather large Mexican man, and the other was named Chris. The large Mexican man was almost continually yelling, "Chris!Chris!" And Chris would do something wrong and yell "Sh*t!" And the banging would continue. Then I, with a killer headache, had to drive to the high school for the National Honor Society thing. And it made my day to see Colin in a kilt. So that's my exciting life. Tomorrow I will get up, watch my bro and sis, then at 3:30 go see Casino Royale. And it might be weird, but it will be fine. I don't have any issues, and things are fine. I think things are better after iming Julie. So.
To adjust my views from the previous long post (the depressed one): I am independent, but that doesn't mean I can't spend time with my friends. If I want to get to know people, I will. And that is what I'm going to do. I hate being undesicive; it's one of my worst faults. So I'll keep trying to be certain, assertive. Yet at the same time, I need to take a step back from it all and try to not concentrate on myself so much. (This is what I was discussing Sunday).
Meanwhile, I will use this time away from school to my advantage and to let some stress fizzle out. And I can finally catch up on sleep! This post needs to be colorful! And happy! Because that is what I want to be right now: lighthearted, silly Sherri. Because that is what suits me best; I've tried being sullen... I really didn't like it. And sorry to all the people I affected today by being moody/grumpy/certainly not me. I just need sleep. And I will (HOPEFULLY!) get it this long weekend. So now for some pictures:

Sherri being uber thrilled at Julie's flippin' awesome hat
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