Finally. I haven't posted in a few days, I've been busy/ I haven't had my internet. But now I do. Trick or Treating was an adventure...I'm pretty sure that was my last time ever trick or treating again. Ever. Lisa and Derek almost killed each other. Hm. Well, then on um um um Thurs? Yeah I think it was. Anyway, Thursday Pastor's wife had a baby, Madison Elizabeth. I haven't seen her yet; I dont' know if I will tomorrow or not. Oh boy.. tomorrow. Should be interesting. I still haven't talked to Drew for almost two weeks. But anywayyy, today I got up early. Meh. And btw, my day started out weirdly because I woke up and I was all "Woah....I can SEE." See, I had accidentally left my contacts in. And fallen asleep. that's the first time I've done that all night. Eeek. Then I rush around, got ready in less than 10 minutes, and was about to run out the door when Kels calls and says that the pancake breakfast is cancelled. So I decided to stay home. My sister had a piano lesson (not me, yay, cuz I didn't practice-no time), then my brother sister and I went on a big long walk/ hike exploring thing. Behind Pinon and by rocketship park. It was pretty crazy. We had a lot of fun but almost stepped on a cactus. We found this really cool walking stick but ended up not taking it home because my sister was convinced that that was 'illegal.' Psh. Then we came home, Danny had a hot dog, we watched Bob the Builder, then he fell asleep. I finished Animal Farm...which is due in like, several weeks. Yeah. I acutally really really liked it. I don't know why I couldn't put it down...odd.. Righto, I should do precal, yay vectors! At least it's easy...

I found this sign insanely funny when I first viewed it (whenever it was I first saw it..) and it actually made me laugh out loud. We all need more things that do that make us laugh out loud.
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