Haven't posted in a while; I don't know how many days. So I decided that another post was long overdue. Not too long. I have a lot to type, so I'll try to not put a lot of fluff in, a lot of nonsensical mumbo jumbo-- it will be long enough already. Example: I'm eating a lolly-pop, a caramel apple one, and I just bit it very hard, almost cracking my tooth. Ok. So none of that. Let's see. A few important things. First and foremost, I'll update my status with (oh no!) none other than Ms. Baas. So, I think it was the next day after my previous post that I drew a picture of her, whilst doing my insanely boring Pre-cal. So... the next day, I was quite proud and so proceeded to show Sarah during English. I was pressured to put it on Baas' desk, and spent, quite possibly, the next 24 hours worrying about it (what she'd think.) Now, understand that everyone thinks I'm crazy; I'm not. I simply like her as a teacher and as a person. I really like her views and her approach to teaching that is fun. I also enjoy the art (that she has us do, and also the art on her walls, the photographs that she most likely took). It's been a very long time since I've had a teacher that I really really liked; a good number have been 'ok.' And unfortuneately I've had a few that have been a long distance from 'ok;' some have been at the far end of the "bad/good teacher spectrum." Ms. Baas is at the opposite end-- she's in the "good teacher" section. Actually farther up the spectrum... perhaps great? Well {ARG, Sherri, ARG! You said no FLUFF!} anyway, getting back to the story, the next day I walked in with Sarah, kind of nervous, and sat down. I was kind of disappointed to see that, under the 'Student Art' board, my portrait of her was not there. Several minutes passed, and my drawing caught my eye-- it was hanging up by the side of the Front white board, right next to her desk. I smiled, but did not say anything about it to her...nor did she say anything about it to me. I suppose it was an understood token; no dialogue was needed, it was simply a fact, a quiet secret between us. She smiled big at me too, when I walked into class... and handed the scissors to me... and called me Miss Sherri (with a smile)... OK Enough! So. FFW to yesterday. XC banquet. I sat by Victoria, and listened... for a LONG time to the coaches give awards. I lettered, which I kind of doubted would happen, with my meningitis. That was cool. What was not cool was when all the juniors went up to present made-up awards to all the seniors. I did not know anything about it, so I asked Josh. When he found out I was standing on stage clueless and helpless, he told me to look inconspicuous. So that's what I did. Cameron went first (I'd never seen her nervous, but I did last night.) Everyone went in turn while I stood there looking pretty. Then we all sat down and it wasn't a huge deal, but it was rather awkward. So the dance was pretty fun. Alan is crazy I decided. It was unlike any dance I'd been to, mostly because it was not crowded or very dark. At first like no one was dancing, but toward the end almost everyone was. I took Kenzie.. who is IN BAND... home and she coincidentally gave me the scoop on Elizabeth Jamerika or somthing. (turns out it wasn't Ho-something after all.) Whatever. So, driving home from her house, I said to myself (yes, I admit, I was talking to myself) "I hate him." I really really felt that. So I thought of a new slogan. So here goes-- my new credo: *ahem* "Screw Drew." Pretty, lol,
profound, eh? I kind of think so. So. I came home, conked out. The next morning... today... I woke up to a rather bad day. It was, I thought, going to be good (no school) but I woke up to yelling.. I don't know if it was my mom or sister. Long story short: the house is a complete mess, and we most likely have to get rid of Bingo. I don't know where. I want to ( I just thought of this) add to my credo: *ahem* "Screw Drew and my neighbors, too." Well, this is going to be long enough. I am so sad. I don't even want to talk/ think about it. Now I need to do health. Meningitis. At least 5 sources. 10 minutes long. Ok, I suppose that's it. I got maybe 7 hours sleep, maybe 8. So I'm tired as well. (wow, on accident I typed 'hell' instead of well.) Okay, I'm done for now. I need a pic:

that's what my bro is doing right now.
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