Aww, look at poor frozen Buster. He's a Pup-scicle!

My brother and I enjoying the snow!

My now almost bare door. :(

My brother (surprisingly dressed). Notice the unique "one snowboot" style.
And from there my day started to go downhill, though it was not a steep downhill, so it was actually pretty good. So anyway, in bio I learned that we have a killer test. Wednesday. Yeah. Bummer. Sooo, he talked a little bit, and then put us in obscure groups with weirdo COMPLETELY SILENT people to work on a review sheet. So it was basically me, mumbling answers, letting out my thought processes, and earnestly trying to get the other people to talk. And failing. So…
Then I went to health. I thought it’d be somewhat interesting, considering we’re now at long last at the subject I envisioned “Health” to be about, namely the three letter word. But, alas, Mr. Hipwood somehow managed to make sex boring. Yeah. We pretty much took notes the whole time. And it was killer boring. ‘Nuff said about that class…
Lunch was actually pretty sweet; me, K, and J all did test corrections with the WP’s, and that was pretty entertaining. And we got some work done! Heyy.
So then I rushed out of Bio and rushed into Baca’s class… joy. I beat Afsheen, even after him pulling me out of the way and shoving me. So I scrambled to my seat, bell rang, and then our entire freaking class traipsed over to E-wing to carry books from Ms. West’s room. Then Elise, Steffie, Brittney and I went to the IMC. I’m happy because: 1) We got the cards done! 2) Brittney wasn’t a … ahem …today. Not really. I was carrying the big honkin SAT book on my head, and yelled “look guys! Aren’t I beastly awesome?” And she looked at me, eyes slanted, lips pursed, and said “Wow. Maybe you should join the Circus.”
So then Mom drove me and Kels home. Schwann man came. Now I should go do hw. It’s kind of sad, but I would honestly like to go read Paradise Lost rather than do Pre-cal… What a yucky class!
And you know what? I’m gonna go practice piano!
* slaps own face * Be happy, Sherri, happy!
May everyone reading this have some rollicking good fun this week.
Rollicking good.
The opening titles of the 21st James Bond Movie, Casino Royale starring Daniel Craig. Song: You Know My Name - Chris Cornell. |
Someone reading this blog likely thinks I have only shallow thoughts/ concerns; that I mostly am concerned with tests/ schoolwork. While it is true that I am somewhat concerned with these things, I am also deeper than that. For a while, a few weeks maybe, maybe just since Saturday, I’ve been having issues. I’m really feeling like I’m slipping away from my friends, no joke. It’s happening differently for different ones, but slippage is occurring nonetheless. And at the same time, the bonds between them are becoming more and more solid with every day. Slowly they are being engulfed by The Group, and I am not. They’re selling out. I think it’s like endocytosis. Whatever. I just kind of feel like being an Independent right now. I need to brace myself for Emily (Key Club Emily) impaling me. But for now I’ll be chill. Is it time to weight/ sort out priorities? I don’t know. I don’t know a lot.
But I was thinking, on the way home yesterday. I realized that I told Kels that I wanted direction in my life. Well, as I see it now, if I wait around for direction to hit me in the face, it’ll already be too late. I need to start being more independent, make more choices, and give myself direction. I do have that power, I’m kind of discovering. I don’t need to do things people try to force upon me. I really need to realize that it is better to say no and do the right thing rather than comply and satisfy people. I am more like a dog, than a cat. And that is fine; I like dogs way better. But I don’t have to be a puppy that scampers after anything and everything, like I have in the past. Buster, my older dog (as of this moment I still have 2 dogs. This is the last night that I’ll be able to say that…), is immensely loyal to his owners, yet is more independent. I’m wondering if dogs, and other animals, get wiser as they get older like humans do. I don’t know.
I’m still going to retain my Sherri-ness though. It’s cool. I don’t hate anyone, I’ve decided. And that is kind of a big thing. Wait. I take that back. I’m not sure if I hate my neighbors or not. I thought 80 some year old senile people were supposed to be quiet, kind, and gentle. These people are the opposite; they are basically monsters. I’m not even kidding when I say that they were screaming at the top of their lungs, cussing my dad out. They have done this several times.
Anyway. Off of the negative, which is basically all this has been. The positives are that my stats test is done, I don’t have that much homework this weekend, I’m going to the pancake breakfast tomorrow morning, I got a lot of yearbook stuff done and therefore feel pretty useful, and right now I’m going to eat enchiladas.
I’m not sad, necessarily. Just reflective.
By the way, I don't know what was up with the whole "speaking in third person" thing. That was kinda creepy.
"Poetry is of course not to be defined by its uses...It may effect revolutions in sensibility such as are periodically needed; may help to break up the conventional modes of perception and valuation which are perpetually forming, and make people see the world afresh, or some new part of it. It may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper, unnamed feelings which form the substratum of our being, to which we rarely penetrate; for our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves, and an evasion of the visible and sensible world. But to say all this is only to say what you know already, if you have felt poetry and thought about your feelings."