Thursday, November 30, 2006


So, I finally got the snow pictures on my computer! The stupid battery was dead. But no longer! So I'll put those up. Today was okay, I guess. English was pretty sweet but I kind of wanted to make our myth better (we had to write about how evil came about. I had this great idea involving a huge implsion and... yeah). Precal I don't even want to talk about. At all. So I won't. Stats was relatively lame. Key Club... can't complain. Then in yearbook I had to call a bunch of people to buy senior ads. Boy was THAT fun. On a more interesting note, my life is not boring. What I mean is: most people have relatively sane households; most houses of highschoolers are more or less quiet and calm. Mine, however, is quite the opposite. For example, right now my 2 year old brother is running around the house stark naked (he has recently taken to ripping off his clothes by "magic" {that's what he calls it} and running through the now bare halls). And here he is: 5jmkgylbnnmmcccccccccccccccccccccccctttttttsavbjnjj mbcder v. I wonder if there is some subconcious message in that. Anyway. My sister is banging away on the piano (Supercalifragalisticexpialidocious). And my mother is talking to my dad who is picking up a shower from Espanola. So anyway, my life is kind of ridiculous. Oh, thought of something else. The career thing that I took yesterday, that Bridges thing, said I was "out going, enthusiastic, and spontaneous...I am up for new experiences... I have a vivid imagination...people find me fun to be around." Also, "my curiosity distracts me, and I probably find that staying organized is one of the hardest things to do. " Now that is quite true. Aight, now I'm fresh out of interesing things to say. So here are some pics!

Aww, look at poor frozen Buster. He's a Pup-scicle!

My brother and I enjoying the snow!

My now almost bare door. :(

My brother (surprisingly dressed). Notice the unique "one snowboot" style.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Finally-- the first signs that winter is actually coming close upon us-- SNOW!! Snow is actually pretty powerful. I mean, of course it is powerful (like avalanches and such), but it is also powerful in that it can instill in people a content/ happy sort of feeling. Maybe it's just me, but seeing snow completely cover my backyard makes me want to run through it, dive in it, and throw it in the air.
And so that is precisely what I did when I got home from school. Today wasn't necessarily a bad day, but it most certainly wasn't the best. What with doing the career thing in Ms. Baas' class, taking Thurston's Cellular Respiration test (that I can only cross my fingers and help for the best on), watching that stupid sex movie in health, yet again feeling incompetent at juggling club, and dealing with the Quiet Lady during SAT prep, I think I really needed this cold, white gift. I like snow...even though it's a pain to deal with on your car...
So now, after romping about in the snow like a spaz, I do beleive things are better, even if it's just a tad. Now that I got that burst of crazy out of me, I need to kick off my hiking boots, grab a yogurt, and lock myself in my room with my Precal notes, book, and pretest. The least that woman could have done was to grade our quizzes we took weeks ago...
I was thinking yesterday in that class, as I often do, as no one really sits by me. In English yesterday, we were having a discussion about how well the "horses" did as leaders. Anyway, what came up is that equality and fairness are NOT the same thing. In our little government in the classroom, things were certainly not equal, but I tried to make them fair. Gov'ts should BE fair. Shockey, I decided, is neither equal nor fair. It makes me rather angry. But mostly the fact that she pretty much hates everyone, and pretty much loves Drew. That's just wrong.
So. Plan for now. Get off the addicting computer. Go do precal. (and kind of forget about stats for now).
Snow is great. I have a sneaking suspicion that if there were no snow, I'd be in a horrible, grouchy, sullen mood. But, fortunately, I'm in a lighthearted mood. Which is quite surprising considering I have a huge-o test in my least favorite subject.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Kreb's cycle and more

Bio test tomorrow; perfect...

Studying at Julie's was wayy cool and hopefully way helpful. I really need this test not to kill me.


AcetylCoA Beep Lemon Ploop Clapclap Key Ploop Clapclap Energy! Sucks. Fad Fumes Clapclap Ox.
That rocks!

Alright. I think I've got it. Gotta work on the glycolysis thing... Pretty Gal Pretty Gal...

So. Test hopefully won't kill me.

Tomorrow will be good. English will be a breeze, but way easy. I want to go in early and talk to her though. About Paradise Lost. I really like it; I told her it was like The Screwtape Letters. And she knew what I was talking about and actually agreed! Yay. Then Health will hopefully NOT be boring, I mean, come on..(Hipwood won't be there). Then Juggling Club... hooorah. (WHY can't I LEARN!?) Then SAT. Won't be the most horrible thing ever. Then come home and cram for P-cal. Hey, that sounds like PGAL. Phosphoglyceraldehyde?

Monday, November 27, 2006


Well. It's a Monday. And it's very Monday-ish. Quite so.

English was actually the best period of the day… it was perhaps the best English class even, in a long time. But poor Ms. Baas, she has a cold, and so she unfortunately had to go home. But before she left, I showed her our awesome game. She really liked it. Really. She said our game was “above and beyond” expectations. And that there was some definite extra credit goin’ on there. So. Even though I spent hours of my Thanksgiving break working on this project, I’m pretty much thinking that it was well worth it. That’s my opinion anyway. So then, since Sarah and I were the only ones completely done, we walked with Ms. Baas to the book depository to get Paradise Lost. And I walked (almost) all the way back whilst balancing the giganto book on my head. Ha ha. And Ms. Baas walked behind, watching me act like a goof ball. So then we got back to the class room. Sigh. I’m going to miss being a horse. But I was glad she got the books for us; I think by the way she told me about the book that she expects, sort of, that we start reading. And so that is what I did for the rest of the class period. Then I handed out the remainder of our “harvest.”

And from there my day started to go downhill, though it was not a steep downhill, so it was actually pretty good. So anyway, in bio I learned that we have a killer test. Wednesday. Yeah. Bummer. Sooo, he talked a little bit, and then put us in obscure groups with weirdo COMPLETELY SILENT people to work on a review sheet. So it was basically me, mumbling answers, letting out my thought processes, and earnestly trying to get the other people to talk. And failing. So…

Then I went to health. I thought it’d be somewhat interesting, considering we’re now at long last at the subject I envisioned “Health” to be about, namely the three letter word. But, alas, Mr. Hipwood somehow managed to make sex boring. Yeah. We pretty much took notes the whole time. And it was killer boring. ‘Nuff said about that class…

Lunch was actually pretty sweet; me, K, and J all did test corrections with the WP’s, and that was pretty entertaining. And we got some work done! Heyy.

So then I rushed out of Bio and rushed into Baca’s class… joy. I beat Afsheen, even after him pulling me out of the way and shoving me. So I scrambled to my seat, bell rang, and then our entire freaking class traipsed over to E-wing to carry books from Ms. West’s room. Then Elise, Steffie, Brittney and I went to the IMC. I’m happy because: 1) We got the cards done! 2) Brittney wasn’t a … ahem …today. Not really. I was carrying the big honkin SAT book on my head, and yelled “look guys! Aren’t I beastly awesome?” And she looked at me, eyes slanted, lips pursed, and said “Wow. Maybe you should join the Circus.”

So then Mom drove me and Kels home. Schwann man came. Now I should go do hw. It’s kind of sad, but I would honestly like to go read Paradise Lost rather than do Pre-cal… What a yucky class!

And you know what? I’m gonna go practice piano!

* slaps own face * Be happy, Sherri, happy!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


And, yes, the layout is back to its original. I think it best fits my blog's personality. And I suppose it will not change for a while.


Now for some precal.

Actually, it's not due tomorrow. I think I'll take a shower! Or maybe a bath!


Rollicking is an uber cool word. People should use it more.

So, it's been a long while since I've posted, but I am kind of hesitant to post, as I don't know what to say. I have a lot of things to type/ say, a whole lot, but I am batting things back and forth in my head-- what I should say and what should be left unsaid. I realize I don't have whole lot of time right now (I still have some precal to do), so I think I will try and keep things concise. But lets just say that, even though this was perhaps the oddest, most ridiculous long weekend ever, I am glad overall. Perhaps I am learning/growing/changing. I hope for the better. Just now Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was on. And the part I was watching was when Rudolph was growing up. As he grew up, the narrator said, he learned something. He learned that to solve problems, to deal with things, you can't run from your problems. You really can't just keep running and hiding. So Rudolph decides to leave Misfit Island and go back to confront all the other reindeer. Now, I'm not saying I'm at all Reindeer-like. I just thought it pleasing that I, in a sense, am like Rudolph in that I am growing older and realizing that fact. I think I realized it subliminally, but still. I am not pleased with a certain fact about myself. But I realized (perhaps was quickly forced to realize) that even though I don’t like this fact doesn’t mean that I need to wig out or run from it. I’m not embracing it. I’m not totally 180 degrees from who I once was. In life, sometimes, I think you might just have to accept facts as facts, and not freak. Just deal. Be cool. Be chill. Hm. Well, anyway. The rest of my weekend…which I suppose would just be the end of Saturday and today… was relatively uneventful, but still nice. I was glad that R.Y.D. and S. weren’t there, and I was also glad that I was able to have a nice, long conversation with Karla, who spoke to me like more or less an equal and didn’t dis me. It reminded me of Breckenridge this summer when we talked for uber long periods of time. I was also happy that I, along with William, got to help my mom teach the little kids Sunday school. Also, I was glad for the simple fact that it was Sunday and I was at church and we sang a lot of sweet hymns and I like being there, singing those hymns and saying that liturgy. On a different note, I am way pleased with the way our English game turned out (here’s a shout out to Kels: Thanks again for making the duck, sheep, and pig. They are sooo cute!). I shall now include a picture of the board(I'd include a picture of the game pieces, but they are, alas, at Sarah's house.They rock though!)...

but it is now much better looking, with all sorts of rockin’ arrows which make it much more clear which way players are supposed to go. I’d better not forget it tomorrow! (I could see me forgetting that). And yay—no bio homework. If I DID have bio due tomorrow, I’d be all “Yarg! Noo!” and probably would not be blogging away right now. Okey. Well, all in all, this was a good weekend. I, like my i-pod, have become recharged this weekend. And now am ready (or as ready as I’ll ever be) for a rollicking good week at school. (PLEASE let the precal test not kill me!)

May everyone reading this have some rollicking good fun this week.

Rollicking good.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

If I really think about it, I do have a heck of a lot to be thankful for. Taking things for granted is so easy...

May everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!

(that's Gobble, the turkey)

Casino Royale Official Opening Titles-- Pretty awesome!!

The opening titles of the 21st James Bond Movie, Casino Royale starring Daniel Craig.

Song: You Know My Name - Chris Cornell.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


For the first time in a while, I'm not really tired! My sister was being way cool today, and so she let me sleep in, while she watched my brother.
As of now, there are several men in my house: the rather large Mexican man (who I found out later is named Jim), the Carpet Guy, some guy named Duane, my dad, and my brother. My sister and I are also home (obviously...).
So I'm kind of stumped as far as the article goes (the one I'm helping write for the paper).
I might just take a break and work on my English game. Our game is going to be the most splendiforous, spiffy game in the whole class. I'm going to make a whole bunch of animals out of clay. But as far as Squealer goes, I have a really good idea. I have this tiny toy pig whose snout lights up when you press a button. The light is really blinding. And my theory is that Squealer "blinds" all the other animals to the truth; all he does is feed them lies. So that pig is Squealer. Pretty ingenious, eh?
In a way I'm looking forward to 2nd semester. I think I'm going to try and be Ms. Baas' student aid. And I also get to have Computer Science. But more importantly, I don't have to have SAT/ACT prep anymore.
Soon I've gotta go pick up Arick and Kelsey and go to the movies.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Commencement of my Thanksgiving Break

Hm. Well, what to say. I recently read over my blog, and it seems to me that I recently have posted overly depressing posts. I've decided optimism is better (I think I read somewhere that optimists actually do tend to live longer). Anyway. Good things: 1) NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! And none on Thursday or Friday or Saturday or Sunday either. 2) I'm going to the movies tomorrow. And it's NOT going to be a big deal like I was making it seem earlier today. There are, I'm sure, numerous other things I could list, but cannot think of them at this moment.
So. I haven't really said much about what happened to Bingo. Yuck. As soon as I typed that I got a yucky feeling and I realized I really don't want to talk/ write about it. But the quick run-down is this: On Sat., my family drove to Santa Fe, waited in some desolate parking-lot for a long time, and then a rather... eccentric lady came in a blue Toyota truck to pick up my dog. She smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, and talked to us for a while. Then she locked her keys in her car. The window was open a few inches. My sister had to stick her hand in the tiny opening and somehow miraculously unlock the door. She did it. So then after a lot of nonsense gibber-gabber, Trish (the eccentric, drunk, smoker) took my dog away. By the way, she has 20 beagles at her house. Twenty. Wow. So then FFW to yesterday? Yes.
So yesterday there were 2 men in my house, banging nonstop. One was a rather large Mexican man, and the other was named Chris. The large Mexican man was almost continually yelling, "Chris!Chris!" And Chris would do something wrong and yell "Sh*t!" And the banging would continue. Then I, with a killer headache, had to drive to the high school for the National Honor Society thing. And it made my day to see Colin in a kilt. So that's my exciting life. Tomorrow I will get up, watch my bro and sis, then at 3:30 go see Casino Royale. And it might be weird, but it will be fine. I don't have any issues, and things are fine. I think things are better after iming Julie. So.
To adjust my views from the previous long post (the depressed one): I am independent, but that doesn't mean I can't spend time with my friends. If I want to get to know people, I will. And that is what I'm going to do. I hate being undesicive; it's one of my worst faults. So I'll keep trying to be certain, assertive. Yet at the same time, I need to take a step back from it all and try to not concentrate on myself so much. (This is what I was discussing Sunday).
Meanwhile, I will use this time away from school to my advantage and to let some stress fizzle out. And I can finally catch up on sleep! This post needs to be colorful! And happy! Because that is what I want to be right now: lighthearted, silly Sherri. Because that is what suits me best; I've tried being sullen... I really didn't like it. And sorry to all the people I affected today by being moody/grumpy/certainly not me. I just need sleep. And I will (HOPEFULLY!) get it this long weekend. So now for some pictures:

Sherri being uber thrilled at Julie's flippin' awesome hat

Monday, November 20, 2006

I thought this was kind of appropriate



Yay, tomorrow's gonna be a good day, I can feel it

Friday, November 17, 2006


I guess I don't want to be, always and forever, "Tagalong Sherri." I like the cookie though...(Tagalongs).

Yet I don't want to live a solitary life; I want the complete opposite-- to be surrounded by people. I love people. People need people.

I guess I'm just a rubicks (sp?) cube with no stickers.

To Kels:

Sorry I butchered the good-bye.

Two things: Happy Birthday and Good-bye to my friend

Kudos and Happy Birthday to Stephen! (His birthday was yesterday).

Well, I'm kind of strangely feeling kind of void of emotions right now as far as Bingo goes. I know we'll miss him.

Me being reflective.

Someone reading this blog likely thinks I have only shallow thoughts/ concerns; that I mostly am concerned with tests/ schoolwork. While it is true that I am somewhat concerned with these things, I am also deeper than that. For a while, a few weeks maybe, maybe just since Saturday, I’ve been having issues. I’m really feeling like I’m slipping away from my friends, no joke. It’s happening differently for different ones, but slippage is occurring nonetheless. And at the same time, the bonds between them are becoming more and more solid with every day. Slowly they are being engulfed by The Group, and I am not. They’re selling out. I think it’s like endocytosis. Whatever. I just kind of feel like being an Independent right now. I need to brace myself for Emily (Key Club Emily) impaling me. But for now I’ll be chill. Is it time to weight/ sort out priorities? I don’t know. I don’t know a lot.

But I was thinking, on the way home yesterday. I realized that I told Kels that I wanted direction in my life. Well, as I see it now, if I wait around for direction to hit me in the face, it’ll already be too late. I need to start being more independent, make more choices, and give myself direction. I do have that power, I’m kind of discovering. I don’t need to do things people try to force upon me. I really need to realize that it is better to say no and do the right thing rather than comply and satisfy people. I am more like a dog, than a cat. And that is fine; I like dogs way better. But I don’t have to be a puppy that scampers after anything and everything, like I have in the past. Buster, my older dog (as of this moment I still have 2 dogs. This is the last night that I’ll be able to say that…), is immensely loyal to his owners, yet is more independent. I’m wondering if dogs, and other animals, get wiser as they get older like humans do. I don’t know.

I’m still going to retain my Sherri-ness though. It’s cool. I don’t hate anyone, I’ve decided. And that is kind of a big thing. Wait. I take that back. I’m not sure if I hate my neighbors or not. I thought 80 some year old senile people were supposed to be quiet, kind, and gentle. These people are the opposite; they are basically monsters. I’m not even kidding when I say that they were screaming at the top of their lungs, cussing my dad out. They have done this several times.

Anyway. Off of the negative, which is basically all this has been. The positives are that my stats test is done, I don’t have that much homework this weekend, I’m going to the pancake breakfast tomorrow morning, I got a lot of yearbook stuff done and therefore feel pretty useful, and right now I’m going to eat enchiladas.

I’m not sad, necessarily. Just reflective.

By the way, I don't know what was up with the whole "speaking in third person" thing. That was kinda creepy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Sherri is kind of freaking right now. She has a big Stats test that is on probobility. And she has Pre-cal, which shouldn't be TOO bad. She has been filled lately with deep, troubling thoughts. She perhaps is having a hard time dealing with stress, and it maybe a little bit fed up with some people. A few of her peers, maybe. Sherri is dealing, though, and she's pretty proud of herself for making that juggling picture work.

The highlight of her day was when Ms. Baas called her a froot loop. That was classic.

Ha ha. Sweet.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I have a lot to say, but not much time. This will suffice for now.

"Poetry is of course not to be defined by its uses...It may effect revolutions in sensibility such as are periodically needed; may help to break up the conventional modes of perception and valuation which are perpetually forming, and make people see the world afresh, or some new part of it. It may make us from time to time a little more aware of the deeper, unnamed feelings which form the substratum of our being, to which we rarely penetrate; for our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves, and an evasion of the visible and sensible world. But to say all this is only to say what you know already, if you have felt poetry and thought about your feelings."
----T. S. Eliot, The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Alright! Tomorrow's MONDAY!!

So. It's late. But I still felt I should post something. So. I've got a math quiz tomorrow. Yikes. I did study some though, hopefully it won't suck. Reminder to self: I owe Afsheen 1 buck, and Julie 2 bucks. Also, for health I need to do my Works Cited page!! Forgot about that... Yay-- English tomorrow! heh heh heh.
Here's my FEET!

Wow. Now THOSE are some sexy looking feet right there.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sherri, Afsheen, and Kelsey

Kelsey with her silly pink headband (not really!)


The whole gang! (just like Julie's dream.. except no Kels here)

And who might this awesomely cool chick be?

This was a cool day.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I cannot concentrate! Ever! No wonder I need the internet taken away; I'm beginning to think I'm addicted. Anyway, I thought this was funny. In a way it fits. Sherri hates Drew? Impossible! Not. I just want to forget about the loser. And his 'demonstrative ways.' In other words, all over her. Um, also, here:

This comic kind of fits. Sherri = Sara, Derek= Jeremy. At least at one point it fit; I don't know about NOW I'M GOING TO WORK. REALLY.
Haven't posted in a while; I don't know how many days. So I decided that another post was long overdue. Not too long. I have a lot to type, so I'll try to not put a lot of fluff in, a lot of nonsensical mumbo jumbo-- it will be long enough already. Example: I'm eating a lolly-pop, a caramel apple one, and I just bit it very hard, almost cracking my tooth. Ok. So none of that. Let's see. A few important things. First and foremost, I'll update my status with (oh no!) none other than Ms. Baas. So, I think it was the next day after my previous post that I drew a picture of her, whilst doing my insanely boring Pre-cal. So... the next day, I was quite proud and so proceeded to show Sarah during English. I was pressured to put it on Baas' desk, and spent, quite possibly, the next 24 hours worrying about it (what she'd think.) Now, understand that everyone thinks I'm crazy; I'm not. I simply like her as a teacher and as a person. I really like her views and her approach to teaching that is fun. I also enjoy the art (that she has us do, and also the art on her walls, the photographs that she most likely took). It's been a very long time since I've had a teacher that I really really liked; a good number have been 'ok.' And unfortuneately I've had a few that have been a long distance from 'ok;' some have been at the far end of the "bad/good teacher spectrum." Ms. Baas is at the opposite end-- she's in the "good teacher" section. Actually farther up the spectrum... perhaps great? Well {ARG, Sherri, ARG! You said no FLUFF!} anyway, getting back to the story, the next day I walked in with Sarah, kind of nervous, and sat down. I was kind of disappointed to see that, under the 'Student Art' board, my portrait of her was not there. Several minutes passed, and my drawing caught my eye-- it was hanging up by the side of the Front white board, right next to her desk. I smiled, but did not say anything about it to her...nor did she say anything about it to me. I suppose it was an understood token; no dialogue was needed, it was simply a fact, a quiet secret between us. She smiled big at me too, when I walked into class... and handed the scissors to me... and called me Miss Sherri (with a smile)... OK Enough! So. FFW to yesterday. XC banquet. I sat by Victoria, and listened... for a LONG time to the coaches give awards. I lettered, which I kind of doubted would happen, with my meningitis. That was cool. What was not cool was when all the juniors went up to present made-up awards to all the seniors. I did not know anything about it, so I asked Josh. When he found out I was standing on stage clueless and helpless, he told me to look inconspicuous. So that's what I did. Cameron went first (I'd never seen her nervous, but I did last night.) Everyone went in turn while I stood there looking pretty. Then we all sat down and it wasn't a huge deal, but it was rather awkward. So the dance was pretty fun. Alan is crazy I decided. It was unlike any dance I'd been to, mostly because it was not crowded or very dark. At first like no one was dancing, but toward the end almost everyone was. I took Kenzie.. who is IN BAND... home and she coincidentally gave me the scoop on Elizabeth Jamerika or somthing. (turns out it wasn't Ho-something after all.) Whatever. So, driving home from her house, I said to myself (yes, I admit, I was talking to myself) "I hate him." I really really felt that. So I thought of a new slogan. So here goes-- my new credo: *ahem* "Screw Drew." Pretty, lol, profound, eh? I kind of think so. So. I came home, conked out. The next morning... today... I woke up to a rather bad day. It was, I thought, going to be good (no school) but I woke up to yelling.. I don't know if it was my mom or sister. Long story short: the house is a complete mess, and we most likely have to get rid of Bingo. I don't know where. I want to ( I just thought of this) add to my credo: *ahem* "Screw Drew and my neighbors, too." Well, this is going to be long enough. I am so sad. I don't even want to talk/ think about it. Now I need to do health. Meningitis. At least 5 sources. 10 minutes long. Ok, I suppose that's it. I got maybe 7 hours sleep, maybe 8. So I'm tired as well. (wow, on accident I typed 'hell' instead of well.) Okay, I'm done for now. I need a pic:

that's what my bro is doing right now.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yes--all my homework is done-- SCORE!

It's pretty much amazing.. all my homework is done, I'm pretty happy. I was having issues with a few of the vector ones, but's ok. I'll ask tomorrow. In class. I hope tomorrow will be okay.. so in English I'm a horse... with Kelly, Stephen, and Nick. Neigh. It's actually pretty cool that our class is now "Animal Farm." Lol. Well, I'd kind of shrugged it off as nothing until Sarah reminded me-- today Ms. Baas ignored me when I said hello! I was kind of sad for a second,.. but now I am sad once again. But then I get over it when I think of how today I finished everything wayyy early and she said with a smile, "Are you done with the next chapter too?" I kinda gave a half grin, and nodded. Well, she broke into a big grin and told me she had a special job for me. So, mwahaha, whilst the rest of the class was working, I got to sit by her desk and make a poster, with the 7 commandments on it (from AF). Pretty sweet, I'd wager. Then @ lunch walking by I saw Coach Hannah and her talking and looking at my poster on the door. I'm kind of afraid of what they talk about...Um so tomorrow should be cool. Stats is going to be interesting because now I have a new perspective on the class, lol... Uh, heh heh, I wonder if Derek got his Kidney Stone issue resolved... So, as I sit here, searching for something else to write, I am remembering all these things that I'm supposed to remember.. OH! just thought of one more. I shall list them here and look here later, thereby remembering all the necessary things. Ok, um, lets see..: 1) Clean the cheese off the bottom of my shoe. 2) Give Kels 3 bucks 3) Return The Picture of Dorian Gray 4) Get quote from guy in my math class, as well as from Bryn. 5) Find the memory book. Ok, done. Over and out.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm pretty much a weirdo

Yeah, so, like the title says, I'm a weirdo. I'm doing my bio on the comp. So far I have my name... but I will do my bio. Really. No joke. I just gotta..think. So, yeah, today was pretty sweet. I was acting kind of like a spazmoid in Stats; I like that class cuz Plewa really doesn't care... Lawrence and his friends went outside to play frisbee, I think. Anyway, yeah, Stats was sweet. Julie, lol, is sooooo cute and funny. Um, yeah, Yearbook was basically sweet and awesome and I feel like I climbed a mountain, I accomplished such a feat. (sp? I guess its feat... it's not feet...) Um yeah. The school is scary at night. And then driving home Kels and I smelt Propane.. apparantly two planes hit or something. Yeah. Intense. So.. I'm actually trying to do my bio now... It's uh, pretty tough, ..I kinda can't really do it.. esp. not on the computer. Oh well. Tomorrow's gonna be sweet though. English is gonna be pretty boring for the next few weeks, because of the fact that I read Animal Farm way in advance...Baas doesn't know yet..I don't wanna like stand on top of a desk and scream at the top of my lungs "I read the book in one night, just like YOUU, because you're AMAZING!!!" Yeah. Wouldn't really work. So, for now, I cannot decide if my life is going to lull into monotonous (wow monotonous is a monotonous word, man) nothingness, or if my life is going to be even crazier now that I am in no way, shape, or form tied to anyone. Really. I'm hoping for a pleasant mixture between the two, but now I've got J and C to think about, haha. They need to get out of my dreams though... So, I'm sitting here (stalling very very much) staring at this Sonic Card I won (wooooooooooo!), and I'm kinda thinkin I should use it. I stole a fry from Simone today at lunch (they actually weren't hers..) and it was mighty fine. Yeah, I'm thinkin I should go to Sonic sometime. I only go there with Kels and her family. Yeah. Man, I need another pic. Like the opa balloon one... wait phone...
back, it was just my sister's stupid friend. Hey, know what? It just hit me that I think it was around this time last year that I got my first blog. yoshiwerd. Yesterday was my 'rents anniversary. ok, pic..

kristen, my cousin julia, cousin tommy, danny, me, Dziadzio (my mom's dad), and big psyco Jon. At the park. What a bunch. aren't we sweet?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Three things

(above) My bro and sis on the couch

(above) my dogs, Buster and Bingo

I've decided three things:

I need more pictures on my blog. Pictures are interesting. My blog is boring.

I cannot concentrate on one thing. I need to do some kind of work. Chores? School work that I really need to do? I cannot do it! I need some ridalin or something

Powerschool is stupid. Especially the fact that parents have access to it. Just mail home grades like before!!!

Okay, I'm done.

Here's a picture of my dorky grandpa (opa):

(sorry you have to turn your head sideways to look at it)

this is my comp:

Peace and Quiet

Finally. I haven't posted in a few days, I've been busy/ I haven't had my internet. But now I do. Trick or Treating was an adventure...I'm pretty sure that was my last time ever trick or treating again. Ever. Lisa and Derek almost killed each other. Hm. Well, then on um um um Thurs? Yeah I think it was. Anyway, Thursday Pastor's wife had a baby, Madison Elizabeth. I haven't seen her yet; I dont' know if I will tomorrow or not. Oh boy.. tomorrow. Should be interesting. I still haven't talked to Drew for almost two weeks. But anywayyy, today I got up early. Meh. And btw, my day started out weirdly because I woke up and I was all "Woah....I can SEE." See, I had accidentally left my contacts in. And fallen asleep. that's the first time I've done that all night. Eeek. Then I rush around, got ready in less than 10 minutes, and was about to run out the door when Kels calls and says that the pancake breakfast is cancelled. So I decided to stay home. My sister had a piano lesson (not me, yay, cuz I didn't practice-no time), then my brother sister and I went on a big long walk/ hike exploring thing. Behind Pinon and by rocketship park. It was pretty crazy. We had a lot of fun but almost stepped on a cactus. We found this really cool walking stick but ended up not taking it home because my sister was convinced that that was 'illegal.' Psh. Then we came home, Danny had a hot dog, we watched Bob the Builder, then he fell asleep. I finished Animal Farm...which is due in like, several weeks. Yeah. I acutally really really liked it. I don't know why I couldn't put it down...odd.. Righto, I should do precal, yay vectors! At least it's easy...

I found this sign insanely funny when I first viewed it (whenever it was I first saw it..) and it actually made me laugh out loud. We all need more things that do that make us laugh out loud.