Sunday, December 31, 2006
Check out this killer icicle. Ouch.
So, now I just finished eating nachos. We're gonna partay 'til 12. It's going to be beastly. I'm gonna take a bunch of pictures. Hey, at 12:00 exactly, I'm going to post something. I don't know what, but I'm going to open 2007 on the computer. One year ago, as 2006 started, I was reading a book in my Opa's study. More pictures, more!
Here's a riddle. What did I eat for breakfast yesterday? Look at the picture to see. This should be easy for people that play the piano.
Yesterday I built this. It's a snow-slide. It's bigger than it looks, really.
Happy New Year's Eve
I think I did something to my elbow, when we went sledding. I realized it back at Pinon, but I was made acutely aware of how bad it is when I was pouring myself some milk to go with my Oreos. S, J, K, and I went sledding for a while, and that was way cool. But after a while it got cold. It was fun, though, especially relating dreams to each other. I love the Spanish Nail dream most of all, I think. I rather dislike my dream. Here goes. I can never remember details, but basically I dreamed that someone I know had the ability to turn into a dog; he could morph. Maybe he had some weird disease. Anyway, he was not in good health. He was becoming sicker and sicker everyday. He had to have his back legs amputated. He had a little wheelie thing he would sit on and pull with his front legs. Also, the school was putting on a play. Ms. B was the director, and the play was her idea. She told me I could design and draw all the sets. I don't remember much more. So, happy New Years Eve, everyone! Let's find a picture.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
My life is crazy
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My new camera

Yay, finally blogger is working. I can put pictures now. That's Nellie. The crazy dog. That barfs and pees and poops on the carpet. I do what I'm supposed to! Well, miraculously, she did not do anything bad this time. I just got back. Each time I go over there, I stay longer and longer. TV is addicting...Hey, they told me to watch it while Nellie was outside! So I also got back from taking care of another dog, Janey. Janey is basically an angel. No messes. She just does what she's suppposed to. I also went to Smith's to get 5 cucumbers. Nothing else. Just 5 cucumbers. Hm. So, my house is still in complete dissarray. It's quite frightening. I will probobly have to sleep in the front room for a few days, while my room is painted and carpeted. My house looks like a new house.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Way cool day
Thursday, December 21, 2006
What a day.

I cannot beleive that it was just this morning when I last posted. Honestly, it feels like an aeon ago. Today was a roler-coaster ride. I don't even want to talk about school today, because in the scheme of things, it is really trivial and quite unimportant. I want to be concise, yet meaningful in this blog, because I am so full of emotion that I really just need to get just a tad bit out. Let's start with after school. The whole gang hung out at Julie's. We played Cranium (R.E.M.!), ate these crazy wafer cookies, and played dress-up. What a bunch; today was great... Then things took a turn for the worse when I got home. I was in an okay mood, but I got smacked in the face (figuratively of course!!) when I, ahem, took a look at Powerschool. I unleashed my fury, aka I threw back my head, letting an enormous howl escape. I felt cheated. I felt betrayed. But most of all I felt frustrated that my best was somehow not quite good enough. I was in a very bad mood. But things did a complete 180 the moment I stepped outside into the frosty air. See, I'm watching a neighbor's house up the street (a former teacher's house), so I remembered I needed to take care of that. So I stepped out of the house with no coat, no flashlight, and no smile. And I began to think. And with every step I thought harder. See, I was thinking about what I was discussing with friends, that is, when I would be happiest (the whole Mirror of Erised thing...). And I decided, right then and there, that, in spite of everything, I would be happiest the way things are [note: this may sound completely bogus and sprinkled with sugar, but it was my actual thought process, kay??]. I would not want to be richer, because that would make me want more things, make me more and more attached to monatary things, unneccessary luxories. I wouldn't be an only child, because then I'd have no little people to laugh at and make me smile when I need it the most. (Ha ha ha, the punch bowl incident today...classic.) Etc. So all these thoughts ran in my head. I did my job and came back home. And as I was about to come down my steep driveway, I looked up in the sky. And I thought, well, I really had no thoughts at first. I stood and stood and stared up. But then my neck started to hurt, and I was getting cold, and some car drove by, and I didn't want them to think I was crazy, so I headed down the driveway. But then I thought, "That was just too majestic...I know what I'll do." So I went in my backyard and here's what I did. [Another note: Don't try this at home, kids]. I went in my backyard and laid down in the snow and stared up at the stars for a lonnnng time. I started to go numb. And I started to feel very small. And I started to smile. I let my mind wander (because now it can wander wherever the heck it wants to; it doesn't have to concentrate on stupid Precal any more). And it wandered. But then my eye caught a helicopter or plane passing by. So I watched it... and watched it... and then it was gone. And that is kind of in a way how things in life are. When I first saw my grades, I was overwhelmed and it seemed like the end of the world. But even now, the intensity of it is diminishing. Things come and go. Like planes. So, cold yet oddly content, I traipsed into the house, threw off my clothes, and took a steaming hot shower. And to prove to myself how absolutely lucky I am, I turned the water to freezing, and told myself that some people never get hot water, they have to deal with freezing cold water all the time. And they deal; their lives go on. This is incredible. Instead of being bummed now, I'm almost overly content. I am trying out all my cool sparkly pens I got from Alrice today (she was my secret solstice buddy). Here's the snowman I built with my brother yesterday. Kinda sad, really...
Happy winter to all!
2 Hour Delay!!??!!?!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Snow, sweaters, and studying statistics
Snow!!! I’m a bit late in posting, but yep, there’s a snow day, which, all in all, I’m pretty glad about, even though I would have gotten my finals over with. Now at least I can study some more. Though I’m kind of doubting it will do me any good. Wow, that’s weird. Some guy just called my cell phone. The conversation went something like this:
Me: hello?
Me: um, I think you’ve got the wrong number.
Guy: Woah, excuse me!
Me: …Sure… bye…
Anyway…now the house is quiet. I’m pretty happy. I just finished typing up my yearbook final. Agh. I just need to get through tomorrow. Then things will be wonderful. I’ll have all of break to draw. And this is kinda crazy: I’m taking care of 4 people’s houses during break. Craazy, man. I’m not looking forward to Nellie, the dog with scary eyes, but other than that things will go okay. I’m very much in need of a break from Pre-cal and Stats, but my other classes are fine. Actually, I’m really looking forward to next semester. But for now I need to concentrate on finishing up this semester. But I think my one consolation tomorrow is that I am, I think, going to ask Ms. B about her little… situation. I was prepared last night to ask her today; I was even going over it in my head. (Wow, what a dork, huh?) It’s still snowing, btw. Absolutely insane. Now, I hope tomorrow there is no delay or cancellation. That could be bad. Well, I’d actually enjoy it immensely if they said “no finals for the last 3 periods.” That would be completely cool, but that is, sadly, quite unlikely. Righto, I had better go now. I think I’m going to put on a sweater, because I’m kinda cold. (I have a t-shirt and jeans on.) I hope it snows like this over break. Think cold thoughts. I'm gonna go in my room, put on a sweater, turn on some music, and study for stats, I guess. Hey! This joke is from my cousin. What did the cover of the graphing calculator manual say?
Ha ha ha... lame..
By the way, Blogger is being stupid and won't let me post pictures. Things are wonky.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ugh. Everything is going wrong today. I studied for a good chunk of the day, yet I feel it did hardly any good. I'm fighting with my sister and my friends (mostly my sister). My watch broke. I had a killer stich in my side for a good portion of the day. I can't decide if the snow is a good thing or a bad thing. My parents are still gone; they went to some shin-dig. Consequently, Kristen and I have had to watch him... I studied for stats for about 10 minutes... wow, this is insane. I honestly think tomorrow is going to kill me. All I need to do is survive tomorrow. Thurs. is going to be a piece of cake. I should go; my bro's on my lap. Here are a few closing words from him:
vk m v bgh kn .kmmm n jnnnnnnnn bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcdffffffffc bvgvg hgfd5rrrrrrr5
Monday, December 18, 2006
Yaaayy finals week........
Currently I am iming Julie and listening to music and basically stalling. Ha. An Abba song just came on. Well. Yesterday was just about the weirdest, saddest, funniest, sickest day I’ve had in a very long time. Maybe ever. I might be jumping to conclusions, but this is the only possible explanation for all this evidence all over the web: my favorite teacher married some old guy named Gysbertus Jan. On April 8, 2000. I wigged out. Now, some might call me a stalker, but K is much more of a stalker than me (at least a better one). Speaking of which, that girl totally ditched me for better people. Whatever. Hey, now “Devil Went Down to Georgia” is playing… So I’m actually pretty chill right now, considering I kinda got trampled by that bio test. I.. actually don’t know. That test made me cry; it made me laugh; it made me want to rip out my hair; it made me want to hug someone. It was Chaos. As in PL. Anyway, nothing I can do now about the bio final. So let’s talk about English. I never got to ask her about GJB, but I did give her the card… actually K did… It was cool; everyone signed it. I really wanted to ask her about this man (WHO IS 20 YEARS OLDER THAN HER!), but I didn’t have an opportunity. Ahh, finally my headache is subsiding. And I found my phone. And tomorrow is my easy cheesy day. Good things… good things…Hey, now a Beatles song is playing… and it’s kind of appropriate for this week. (“Help”) Well, let’s see if I can find a picture of this disgusting Norwegian man…
Now, tell me that is not the most disturbing thing you have ever seen.
My life is absolutely crazy. Now I'm gonna go make some chocolate milk, chill with my dog, study stats a little, then go get my brother from school.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Satisfying Saturday
So right now I’m about to go to bed. I just got back from babysitting a cute kid named Ian. He is 3 months old. I had totally forgotten how docile and helpless 3 mo old babies are. Today was spent, well. Let me start from the beginning. I woke up at like 9:15 to the sound of my parents voices as well as Jack and Susan’s voices. (Jack and Susan are the people who are doing the bathroom, which is now almost finished! They are over at the house a lot). So I lay in bed thinking about yearbook stuff for like a half hour, and came up with some pretty cool ideas for drawings. At quarter ‘til 10, I figured I should probably get up, so I bounded out of bed, leaped across the floor, flung open the door, and there was Susan, walking by. I think I scared her. “Good morning,” I said weirdly (I had my retainer in still) and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. And it is extremely weird to take a shower when you know that just inches away is some guy banging around in my parents’ closet. Anyway, I was extremely happy: no piano lessons today. Then I spent hours and hours doing my stupid college hunt, and finally finished. It is 50 some pages long. Wow. Mr. Baca, I hope you’re happy. I just killed a whole bunch of trees, just so I could get a stinking good grade on the stinking final. But I’m pretty happy now… I don’t have to go to the final. And boy, let me tell you, I am NOT going. After that I spent a significant amount of time doing English. I had so much trouble getting started! This essay didn’t flow nearly as well as my previous one, nor as well as I’d hoped. But it is now finished, and that’s what’s important. I need to get, like, above a 40 to get an A in that class; I’m not too worried. What I am worried about (and probably should be) is Pcal, Stats, and Bio. (In order of how much I need to study, bio being the least.) Ick. Even though it seems as if I am completely a “panic-er,” I really am pretty chill. Just gotta study and stuff tomorrow. Well, so then I went to Sara’s house and met her crazy wolf dog with scary eyes. The dog is named Nellie. The dog bit my chin. I don’t really like Nellie. Then I went to go chill with my homie Ian. And I ate a ton of caramel popcorn… Sorry no pics yet! ( I will TRY and get my poor sister to smile… heh heh…) Over and out. Bed, here I come.
Friday, December 15, 2006
I'm @ Yearbook!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
My adventures
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006

Me attempting the impossible: trying to put my foot behind my head. I used to be able to do this when I was like, 10...
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Unpleasant Circumstances

headache! From all the crap I need to do and also I might be coming down with something.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Beware, it's killer long...

"The Thinker"

Awesome picture taken by Julie.

Another cool picture taken by Julie!
Friday, December 01, 2006
My first December post!


this is Paul's!
