So. Yeah. You guessed it. Still sick. It seems most everyone is. Well, at least a whole bunch of people that I know anyway.. Mr. Y is still sick. That's the reason I have the entire period to do absolutely nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. So, for the first portion of the period, I looked through my sketchbook (yes, in the semi-darkness). Then I drank some water and read some stuff on the internet. Including my recent blogs. But I read them from another's perspective. One person's in particular. I thought of how she would come to know so much about me by reading some of these ... yet, she already knows a lot. And I freely toss out more and more information to her every day (or every other day..). Hm. So now I am here. Blogging away. Barely able to breath. In my own little room, my own little safe haven. I like it in here. It's just so calming, way more calming than usual, in a way. The whole day has been like this. Just.. relaxed. I don't know if it's just me, but it seems to be the entire world. Well, my entire world anyway. Let's do the obligatory, bland run-through of the day, shall we? In English we had a pop quiz. Normally this would be a piece of cake, but considering that I read chapter TWO about a million aeons ago, I realized I probobly would not remember a lot of it. And it turns out that I was mostly wrong... though I did forget the last question.... and I kind of BSed the 2nd to last, so I kind of doubt she'll give me credit. Heck, she might, though. Considering I told her that I finished the book. I don't really know what possessed me to do that; I never have before (told her about the fact that I finish books within the week she assigns them). Anyway, where the heck was I? Right. English. So we took the quiz; whatever. There goes my 99.6 (oddly enough, that is probobly my temperature right now). Then we did this cool activity, which I basically figured out, typed, and organized by myself.. It was this thing where each student was given one sentence (from WWtN), and then they had to write a sentence after it. And we passed the papers around the room, continuing like this. Some of the stories were prettty darn funny. Went to bio. Pretty uneventful and very relaxed. We finished that one packet.. the MATH packet... Well, okay, it wasn't all math, but it seemed like it. Parts of genetics is really interesting, like Nurture vs. Nature, but other parts are just not nice. Student Aiding was pretty cool. It was also relaxed. I first read this story, which was told in degrees. Like, "105- The highest temperature I have ever had. My father was scared half to death.." blah blah blah. And it goes into cold temperatures fairly quickly. And it tells how this teenager, Liz, falls through ice and dies/ drowns. So anyway, I had to read the story and write up a bunch of "questions for thought," which I then had to type up. Tomorrow, that's what our class is going to be doing (answering the questions, that is). So, great. I basically will be teacher tomorrow...
considering she's not even going to be there! Really. I will be the pseudo-teacher and will have to explain everything to the class. And who better to explain it than
the person who had to write it all? It may seem a tad like I'm complaining, but I'm really not. I actually really like it, these jobs that she gives me. I suppose I have proven competant in other areas, so she figures, "What the heck? She seems to be enjoying herself anyway." And I do. It's pretty much
always fun work, never mundane grading or anything. Yeah. She leaves those jobs for herself. So I typed up the questions, and came back. We talked the remainder of the period. With time, you become accustomed to almost anything; you feel more and more comfortable doing something the more you do it. Like driving. Or drawing. Or even typing (I used to take forever to type one measly paragraph, when I was in elem. Now I think I might rival my mother). I think we are both getting used to me student aiding; we're more relaxed, comfortable. I know that I now just blurt out things without even thinking, something I surely would not have done before break or even a month ago. But now I do. Now I feel comfortable.. relaxed. Now we just talk. She talks (I like that part), and then I talk and talk.... And she listens. It's cool; I like it a
lot. Continuing on with my relaxed day, I traipse out of her room (for the 2nd time after showing..... Alrice a drawing..) in a relaxed manner. I walk into E-wing before realizing "Oh... Crap... Guess I should be taking that stupid stupid precal test, huh..." So, sighing, but not worried in the slightest, I head for B-2. I walk in, politely greet Mrs. S, and begin the test. The entire time, I'm not worried at all, nor fretting, .... nor caring. Despite the fact that I really didn't know what I was doing. Despite the fact that I probobly failed it. I just worked the whole time, and I even asked her a few questions. And I didn't care that I went into 4th period by a few minutes. But the entire time was really weird. I finished the test, and.. it struck me what was weird. She was being actually
Very nice. I dunno, but it may be that we were both hacking our lungs out, and we formed this sort of odd compainionship over just this one lunch period. I've heard this before, but now it (kind of) seems to fit. "The enemy of your enemy is your friend"... or something like that. We were allies in a battle against sickness. Okay, maybe I'm reading way too much into things, and making this overly poetic, but hey. It was nice.. her niceness. But I'm sure that tomorrow things will once again return to how they should be. Well, maybe not how they should be, but, how they inevitably are. So, Mrs. Niceforaday wrote me a note so I could get into comp sci (though I never needed it). And here I sit. Typing away. My sketchbook to my right, my water bottle to the left, and Mrs. S's note beside that. You know, I'm toying with the idea of keeping the note (like I have before with other teachers' notes..). Just to prove to myself and the world that, yes, things don't always happen like you expect them to. People
do act differently than they usually do, on rare occations. Rare, random occations? Maybe. But I really think that she was feeling at least
some small degree of sympathy for me.... maybe? After all, I sound pretty yucky. I sound worse than I look... which really is saying something, considering I have a bright red nose and liquid trying with tremendous effort to abide the laws of gravity and decend out of my nose. Oh, but it won't win... at least I'm trying. ... But I think I'm fighting a losing battle. I am off, in search of some tissue.. or ... something! Aaggh! Okay. I'm back. I found some toilet paper and I blew my nose. [Note: Hoo, boy! I just need to add this in. It was the craziest thing that happened just now. So I'm in here, right? Typing away. And then the sub comes in to check on me, I guess. Well, right as she walks in and looks at the screen, I am typing the word "toilet." And then I stop and look at her. And then look at the screen again. And back at her; she is looking at me with her eyebrows raised in an expression that seemed to read, "Ookay.. weird kid." Then she walked out. Just... thought I'd add in that little, amusing (to me, anyway) anectode.] Anyway. To continue on, I never realized there was a bathroom up in the loft. Ever. But when I was getting the... toiletpaper.. I went into a little room and found a door, which led to the... bathroom. Weird. Okay. Now the sub is telling everyone to log off, because "I leave at 3:05! Not any later! I leave at the bell.." blah blah blah. Okay. I'm through. This is long enough anyway. Wow. This is killer long. Hm. At least I wasn't bored all period. Just chillin'.