Ah. I'm content. I love Fridays. I'm home, nice and cozy. I just got home from my neighbor's house. I'm taking care of their house and their dog, Barron. But now my shoes are kicked off and I can't help but smile at the fact that it's Friday. So, the net total of this school week was very very positive, despite my greuling, yucky, horrible, icky day. The "Sherri hates everyone and everything" day. The rest of the days have been nice. VERY nice. I'm so happy right now for some inexplainable reason.I just ate Chinese food, which was marvelous. I stayed late for yb and got a lot lot done. Which is very good. I got 2 things completely done, and even managed to cut out a picture! And just for the record, I LOVE being a student aid. Now both days have really good news about them. I admit that I favor A days (of course..), but B days are actually very okay. On A days, I now go to English (yay!), Biology (yay!), Student Aid for Ms. B (yay!), and then Comp Sci (good!). B days: English (yay!), Precal but I now sit by Julie (yay!), Stats… ‘nuff said…(it’s actually okay), and then yearbook (yay, because now it’s doing what I love best). I found out so much in so few days! It’s weird. This week has gone by so fast, yet I feel like I’ve been back at school for a long time. I don’t know. It’s really weird. I like school, despite staying up to finish homework. If homework was optional, I’d love school. Well, I suppose homework IS optional… I mean, I don’t HAVE to do it… Anyway. The 10th of January was Ms. B’s birthday! OMG! I know soo much now. I love just sitting in her room, talking to her. This is what I had envisioned, basically. Except I now feel extremely embarrassed, because Lindsey said to her yesterday, “Sherri wants to know what your ex-husbands name is!” And she laughed. She always laughs. Another good thing about her. She makes people happy. My math teacher laughs…. But ONLY at her own jokes! Ms. B laughs at other people’s jokes. She’s so funny. I’m writing this down just so I can look back and have some record of it, even though it happened a long time ago. So Ms. B was playing with a timer, you know, one that goes DING! And she made it “ding” twice, and I was just watching her. I said, “Having fun?” and she just laughed and laughed, looking kind of embarrassed. She said hurriedly, “I was just making sure it worked!” Then we laughed. Mr. Thurston always makes me laugh too. But that’s kind of a given. He’s a hilarious man. Pretty much everyone loves him. I’ve really enjoyed these last few days. I found out her dog’s name, her boyfriend’s name, and many more things. I even confirmed the fact that she is divorced. Definitely. And her husband WAS that creepy guy!!! Ahh! So tomorrow is my sister’s first basketball game. I’m listening to Pandora and juggling 2 beanbags and a gluestick (I lost my other beanbag). I can’t wait for next week! I think I’m going to Santa Fe this weekend. I love doing student aid jobs. I run. Literally. Now I can run, by the way. I wasn’t supposed to run for 3 months!
So now I'm going to work on my scrapbook, I think. Wait! I need a picture.

This is the picture on the last page of my scrapbook. It's supposed to be the forbidden fruit that Eve bit into. Sigh. I really enjoyed PL. I'm kind of sad we're done.
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