Yayy! My closet! (The inside is neat, too).
Monday, January 15, 2007
Good day...
Today is a good day. Not great. Not wonderful. Just good. I can tell already. Some days are just like that. I know that I have a crap load of work to do, and I know that I have to watch my siblings while my parents are at work. But that's okay. Whatever. Today is good because I, for once in a long while, feel completely rested. I feel... complete today. It might be in part due to the fact that my room is finally done. Nothing is hung up on the walls yet, and my new sheets/ bedding (which is my birthday present) isn't there yet, but everything else is done. I love it. My closet is COMPLETE!! I am ecstatic. I finished it last night after getting home from Santa Fe, despite the fact that I was really tired. I made my closet nice and neat. Then I grabbed a flashlight and my new book, and read and read until I fell asleep. I love that. I love struggling to make words make sense by the light of a very dim flashlight. After a while, it just becomes gray and the words mesh together, and dreams flood in instead of words. In this instance, my book kind of translated into a crazy dream. I don't often remember dreams, so this is a big deal for me. I actually really like this dream, and remember it with precise detail. Well, precise is relative, I suppose... But here goes: Norah, the mother in The Memory Keeper's Daughter, was lying on the couch in her house (which was somehow my grandmother's house) mourning her dead daughter (who wasn't actually dead, but yeah...). This part is kind of hazy, but then I walked in on her. It was the wrong cabin (for the house was actually a cabin), so I walked out. My friends and I were at Weekend of a Lifetime. Except it was in Burma. It was kind of weird. It was all tropical and yet some parts of the terrain were heavy wooded areas, like in northern US. Anyway, there were a lot of people, and it was nothing like WoaL really was. We had seperate cabins. And there were people there from random places. I mean, K and J and I were there of course, but then there were people from my English class, and a few random people from the school. There were also people there from one of my youth gatherings in Alb. Like the guy with the curly hair in a ponytail. And that chubby girl named Robin. And Shannon. Anyway, a bunch of girls were in one cabin, some sitting on the beds, some on the floor, some in chairs. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back, everyone was leaving. It was time for a nature hike (something, by the way, that we never did at Weekend of a Lifetime). Ms. B. was the leader of our group. Our group was mostly our English class. So we walked into this place that kind of looked like the skihill (without the snow of course), and then she said, "Do you want to go way up on top of the mountain, or go down into the valley?" And everyone yelled "Mountain!" except S S. We walked and walked for a longg time and finally came to the top of the mountain, which actually ended in a steep cliff, with a lush jungle below. We were basically in a rainforest. And, get this, we were so far up that I could (this is weird) touch the "ceiling" of the sky. It was white, just like MY ceiling (but the walls are light blue). And I could touch it, so I did. And I also saw multicolored balloons that we had all released earlier that day, and they were all just at the top of the ceiling. Then a woman of about 20 or so came up to S S. and was talking to her. I wasn't paying much attention. I was taking in the view and looking at my balloon on the ceiling of the sky. Then we somehow went down the mountain (I don't remember how), but then we were down, down by a river, surrounded by thick rainforest trees. Then I noticed the woman again, and she waved to Ms. B. They approached each other like they knew each other. I watched curiously as they talked, and then Ms. B. came over to me and S S. and a few others. She took S S. and me aside, and asked S S., "So the only thing that woman told you is that she is 20 years old and that she has a boyfriend?" And S S. nodded. I was puzzled. A little later, I was talking to Ms. B. alone. I asked her, "So, who is that?" And she said, "She was a student I taught one of my first years teaching. Her name is Bree. She is 20 years old now. She was my favorite." I blinked and looked over at Bree, who was pretty, petite, and very skinny. I said, "She kind of looks like you." Ms. B. nodded and said, "Everyone always said that. Bree loves English. She's going to be a teacher." I looked thoughtful. Then the dream kind of tapered off. I don't remember the rest. I kind of liked the dream. Bree, by the way, is a character in my book. And she is 20. She is Norah's sister. Anyway, that was my dream. Wow, I must have been typing a while. I should probobly stop. I have a lot of English to do. And math. Whatever. I think I'm going to go play in the fort that I made for my brother in my room. It's pretty beastly. I love making forts. Okay, I'm done. Really. Wait! One picture of my nice nice room.

Yayy! My closet! (The inside is neat, too).
Yayy! My closet! (The inside is neat, too).
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