It's kind of hard to beleive that just this morning I was groggily getting dressed, shoving food in my mouth, and saying goodbye to my granparents with coffee in my left hand, car keys in the other. Today has been a long day, but not necessarily bad. I'm glad to be back, I decided. I joyfully bounded into English with a "Hey, Ms. B. How was Virgina?" It was nice being back in that room.. we talked a little bit. But I mean, she does that whole "vague" thing. Like, to answer the Virginia question, she said, "Oh I had a lot of fun; it was really great. I saw my family and friends. All in all I had a wonderful time there." See? Nothin'. An enigma. Anyway, in English we did this stupid thing in the IMC with the guidance counselors. How to write a resume. Please. She even READ to us. The packet. Now, I'm generally quite calm and collected when it comes to being read to; sometimes I even enjoy it. But today for some reason, sitting in that oh so uncomfortable blue chair, I felt like my intelligence was being insulted. All in all, it was really a waste of time. In bio we took notes and played with strips of paper. And in student assistant, I hung up collages on the wall, talked some with Ms. B., graded journal entries, talked some more, went to go make 30 copies of something, which took forever, and then talked with her until the end of the period. Which was kind of a long time. She’s really an interesting person. We talked about yearbook, and about her high school years a little, and also her college days a litte. Oh yeah, also about the first school she taught at: a little farm school where no one went on to college and most girls either got married or pregnant, and lots of kids dropped out to go work on farms and whatnot. Crazy. So, that was about the extent of that. Kels, Julie, and I went to bio for lunch. I ran to computer science as usual, where I actually opted to do work (partly because I was right in full view of Mr. Y) and got my assignments done. I ditched tennis to go to Julie’s house; we ate strawberries and worked on the scrapbook while listening to the Beatles. Kelsey came.. then left… then came again.. We (all 3 of us total) got a lot done—yess: we might actually get this done by convention on Friday!! Maybe. Fingers crossed.
And now? Now what am I doing? I’m chewing wintergreen gum, tapping my foot against the desk, and listening to the TV in the other room. And stalling. See, I should be madly reading my stats book, as there is a test tomorrow. And, what makes it worse, is that I HAVE NO CLUE what I’m doing. I mean, at all. And no notes allowed this time. Darn. Well, gee. I should really go do that….
Soon. In a few minutes. Really.
But as for now… hm.. I think that this blog needs some spice, some color. It’s seeming a tad… drab. Ah, here we go:

This is my grandfather's foot. Can you tell I was a little bored yesterday?

And this is Pendejo, the 3 legged dog from Milagro Beanfield War. Don't ask...
Well, there you go. A little randomness is always a good thing.
1 comment:
milagro beanfield war! i love that book!
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